Page 72 of Tainted Promise

But Mikhail had never been my target. I’d get him eventually. But for now, I’d take care of the monster in front of me.

Sick of talking to him, I gave my guys the signal to take his men out, making a circle with my thumb and pointer finger, barely holding back a sigh at the ridiculous sign my brothers insisted we use.

As soon as I’d finished laying my hand against my thigh, all of Aleksándr’s men dropped to the ground in quick succession.

Jude wasn’t our only sharpshooter.

Aleksándr had his gun pointed at me, his face red, the white of his eyes showing. He looked like he had rabies. “You can’t do this. I’m not some little gangbanger you can take care of and nobody will give a shit. I’ve been head of this family for over thirty years.” Spittle flew out of his mouth with each shouted word. He knew as well as I did it was over.

Pointing at the red dots on his chest, I raised a brow. His face lost all color when he looked down. I walked up to him, not bothering to draw my gun. If he so much as twitched a finger, my guys would take him out. “Do you really think anyone will avenge your death? They’ll all be too busy fighting for their spot at the top to care who got rid of you.”

His eyes widened, sweat beading on his forehead. “I’ll give you the number of the guy who shot your father.”

I loved seeing him squirm, desperation underlining his every move. “What do I want with a number? I need a name.”

He shook his head, eyes flitting everywhere, the hand holding his gun trembling. “I don’t have a name, only a phone number and a bank account.”

“Give it to me.”

He slowly reached for his pocket. “I’m getting my phone out.”

I lifted my chin, indicating for him to go ahead. Pulling out his phone, he tapped on it before handing it over. “This is the number.”

I glanced at it, then saved it in my phone. “Now, where is my wife?”

He shook his head. “I’ve already given you the shooter.”

“Didn’t say that was all I wanted. And I hate to repeat myself.”

Footsteps sounded behind Aleksándr, and then Jude burst through the open door, an unconscious Vanna in his arms. “Gabriel.” His voice was shaking, and his breathing was choppy.

My laid-back, easygoing brother who let nothing get to him looked afraid.

My heart slowed at the sight of my wife’s lifeless body. The bruises on her face and arms caused a rage unlike any I’d ever felt before. And I’d been mad plenty of times.

Two people appeared behind them, one an older woman and the other the bastard who hit on Vanna right in front of me. Their clothes were torn, their faces bruised. Dismissing them, I turned back to the man responsible for my wife’s pain.

Aleksándr took a step back, gun loose in his hand. He was barely holding on to it anymore, and I took it off him with ease. I cracked the butt over his face, causing blood to gush out of his nose.

Then I pointed the gun at his forehead and pulled the trigger. I faintly noticed a wet splatter over my suit and face, but my only focus was Vanna.

Who still wasn’t moving.

I held her hand as Jude rushed to the car. Her pulse was faint, her skin a sickly gray. “Anghelemou. Please wake up. I’m so sorry.”

Jude stopped in front of the car where Liam stood, watching us with dread on his face. “We need to get her to the hospital.” He opened the back door. “Get in. I’m driving.”

I followed his instructions, numbly crawling in the back seat and taking Vanna from Jude, who jumped in the front passenger seat.

Liam drove off with screeching tires, not stopping for anything. All of it only faintly registered, my attention focused on the lifeless body on my lap.

This was all my fault. If I hadn’t let my emotions control me, I wouldn’t have kicked her out. And now Vanna had paid the price for my actions.

I held her as tight as I dared, whispering nonsense to her, praying this wasn’t the end.

We pulled up to the emergency department, and Jude sprinted inside. Liam opened my door, and I shuffled out, unwilling to hand Vanna to him.

We were almost at the sliding doors when three people with a stretcher between them emerged. “Sir, you need to put her on here. The sooner we get her inside, the sooner we can treat her injuries.”