Page 7 of Tainted Promise

And since Father had an agenda, Gabriel not even finding me attractive enough to stay for our wedding night meant bad things for me.

Holding my hand, Althea ignored Aleksándr. “Gabriel has been called away on business, so you’re coming home with us tonight.”

I couldn’t help but feel like an unwanted puppy that someone took pity on. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m happy to—”

“Nonsense. You’re family now. And we have plenty of room.”

Turning her gaze to Aleksándrfor the first time since joining our uncomfortable huddle, she smiled wider. “You have a gorgeous daughter. Don’t you agree she looks incredible in her dress?”

My father grunted, his stony gaze still focused on me. I couldn’t suppress the shiver making its way through my body.

Althea must have noticed because she squeezed my hand reassuringly. “It was memorable as always to see you, Aleksándr.”

He finally snapped out of it and took her free hand, bringing it to his mouth and placing a kiss on the back. “The pleasure was all mine.”

He turned and walked away.

All the air that had been sucked out of me while standing close to him came rushing back all at once. I gasped before censoring my reaction. I’d become very good at masking my emotions, but every once in a while, something snuck through.

Althea tugged on the hand she was still holding. “Let’s get you home.”

I nodded, getting myself back under control and stuffing my feelings into the tightly locked box I usually kept them in.

We wound our way through the guests, ignoring the many attempts at conversation. Althea didn’t seem interested, and I was just plain done with this farce of a wedding. Why attempt to be courteous to people I’d never met before?

Althea clearly had a destination in mind, and she only came to a standstill once she was next to her husband. He put his arm around her, pressing a gentle kiss on her head. She didn’t release my hand and instead held on tighter when I attempted to step back and give them privacy.

Smiling at her husband, she pulled me closer. “We’re tired.”

And that was all she had to say. Next thing I knew, I was sitting opposite Althea and Constantine in their limousine, on our way back to their house, barely able to breathe since my dress was so tight. I was once again perched awkwardly on my side. But nobody said anything at my ridiculous display, and I acted like this was how I always sat.

Constantine was studying me, as if I were a mystery he needed to solve. I attempted a tired smile but knew it would look insincere. I didn’t have it in me anymore tonight.

Althea was the first to break through the uncomfortable silence. “I’m so sorry about my son. I taught him better than that.”

I waved her off, uncomfortable that she would take the blame for her son’s behavior. “Please, don’t apologize. He can do whatever he wants. He’s not beholden to me in any way. I’m well aware of what this arrangement is and certainly what it isn’t.”

Constantine’s face went from pensive to pinched tight. “He’s a grown man who acted like a child. He should have shown you more respect than leaving you at your own wedding. But I hope you won’t judge his whole family by his poor behavior.”

I was already fond of his parents, and this only cemented the fact. “I promise I won’t. And thank you for letting me stay with you. I’m sure he’ll be back tomorrow.”

At that moment, I realized I didn’t even have a home anymore. I was supposed to move in with Gabriel, but I didn’t know if he still wanted me in his space. Not after he had made it crystal clear how he felt about this marriage.

And there was no way I could go back to my father. He’d consider it a failure on my part and punish me.

“You can stay with us for as long as you need. We’d love to have you.”

The weirdest part about Althea offering a stranger to stay with her was that she sounded sincere. She also hadn’t hesitated in offering.

And I couldn’t afford to be too proud to take it. The alternative was too horrible to even think about. So I met her concerned gaze and accepted her hospitality. “Thank you so much. If Gabriel doesn’t show up, I’d be honored to take you up on your offer.”

Her face went a little tighter at the mention of her son. I hoped she’d give him hell. Because one thing I was sure about: Althea’s kids all loved her. They were a close family. And while her disapproval might not change his treatment of me, I’d still delight in knowing she told him off.

Nobody had ever stood up for me or been in my corner. Everyone had been on my father’s payroll. Well, except mytetyaLouisa. But she was a devoted sister who wouldn’t dare let me get away with anything or go against her brother’s wishes.

She’d dedicated her life to him, and he didn’t hesitate to use her for his purposes.

If she’d even shown an ounce of compassion or humanity over the years, I’d have felt sorry for leaving her. But she was a bitter woman who didn’t tolerate anything less than perfection.