Page 4 of Tainted Promise

My little brother, Jude, broke out into a cackle as soon as the glass rolled all over the bar and the staff rushed over. “They should have made me the boss.” He clapped his leg, howling like a hyena. “You can’t even hold a glass properly.”

I swiped at him, but he was quick to evade me. I gave him the finger instead. “Shut up, dumbass. It slipped out of my hands.”

My older brother, Liam, snuck up behind Jude, putting a wet finger in his ear. Jude’s chuckle changed to an outraged scream, but before he could throw a punch, Liam had him in a headlock.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking at my idiot brothers. “For fuck’s sake. This is my wedding. Stop being immature assholes.”

Liam released Jude after running his knuckles over his head, messing up his hair. “Since when are you the stuck-up one? I thought that was my job?” Liam joked.

The Liam we’d grown up with would have never joked around. But he was a completely different person since meeting his wife, Quinn.

She was right behind him, rolling her eyes at his behavior. Embracing me in a tight hug, causing Liam to growl, she patted my back. “Congratulations, Gabriel.”

Grinning at Liam over her shoulder, I placed a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks, sis.”

Liam pulled his wife away from me, then embraced me in a crushing hug. He slapped my back so hard I coughed. “Congratulations.”

Jude threw one of the minuscule canapés currently being served into his mouth, chewing loudly, then talking with his mouth still full. “So, is anyone going to acknowledge the hotness of our new sister? Or are we just going to ignore what a lucky bastard our brother is?”

“A very lucky bastard indeed.” My sister, Freya, put her arm around me—as much as she could, anyway, since she was much shorter. “Congrats, brother.” She looked around the bar. “But where is your wife?”

Giving her a side hug, I nodded at her husband, Gunner, in greeting. “Somewhere in here. Fuck if I know since I’m not her keeper.”

A horrified look crossed my sister’s face, and she reared back. Her hands went to her hips, and we all groaned in unison. Nobody was up for a lecture right now. But she ignored our cringing and leaned in, making sure I heard every word of what she was about to say. “And you didn’t think to check on her? Or get me or Quinn to make sure she was alright? She’s family now. And we take care of each other. That means not letting your wife wander around by herself.”

Gunner pulled her to his side, interrupting her rant. Her face softened, and she looked up at him with hearts in her eyes.


Quinn nodded to the other side of the room. “She’s over there, talking to her dad.”

All our heads turned, and I hoped neither my wife nor her family were looking our way. But as soon as I spotted them, I realized there was no threat of them looking over here. They were engaged in a tense conversation, one that made Vanna shrink away from her father.

After a few more terse words, Aleksándr stalked off. A practiced smile slipped on his face as soon as someone approached him. My attention went back to my wife, who was once again standing up tall, looking beautiful and regal.

Her gaze swept the crowded ballroom, only pausing when it fell on me. Then she took a deep breath and walked over.

The smile on her face was as fake as the bartender’s British accent, but it wasn’t my business to find out what had upset her.

Joining our little group, she held her hand out to Liam first. “Hi. I’m Vanna. You must be one of Gabriel’s brothers.”

She was polite, if distant, greeting everyone in our little huddle. The girls ignored her outstretched hand and hugged her instead. When it happened the first time, Vanna went stiff, her hands loose at her side as if she didn’t know what to do with them. The second time, she was still tense but didn’t look as uncomfortable.

The girls formed a little circle, gushing over Vanna’s dress and her ring. Since I had no involvement or interest in either, I turned back to the guys. “Who’s coming to the meeting tomorrow?”

Liam lifted his chin. “That would be me. But as I said before, I’m happy to go on my own. You should enjoy your first day as a married man.”

“We all know what this is. And a happy marriage isn’t it. It’s business as usual.”

A sharp inhale sounded, and I grimaced. Turning around, three identical looks that could freeze an active volcano met my gaze.

Shooting a wobbly smile at everyone, Vanna awkwardly waved. “And that’s my cue to leave you to it. Enjoy your night.”

Without a glance in my direction, she disappeared into the crowd.

A small hand slapped my arm, and then a bag followed. Sighing, I faced my angry sister and sister-in-law.

Freya huffed. “You insensitive jerk.”