Page 39 of Tainted Promise

A decision I now regretted.

“We have a couch. It’ll be fine.”

“By your statement, I can tell you’ve never slept on a couch before.”

“I wouldn’t sleep on it. He would.”

She threw her head back in laughter once again. “You’re funny. The thought of Gabriel Olysses sleeping on a couch would be a sight I’d pay to see.”

“Shut up. And you’re not helping.”

She pushed a piece of cake in front of me. “You know I’m right. Besides, sleeping in the same bed shouldn’t be an issue. You’re married, after all.”

There was no way I’d tell her I’d never slept in the same bed as another person before.

Sleepovers were another thing I’d never done, not even with female friends. Not that I ever had any to begin with.

Putting a gigantic piece of cake in my mouth, I tapped my finger on my lips. “We’re both grown-ups. It’ll be fine.”

The front door opening stopped any further conversation. The butterflies in my stomach came alive, reminding me that I wasn’t as unaffected by the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Gabriel as I wanted Cleo to believe.

“Good afternoon, ladies.”

Gabriel’s deep baritone sent my butterflies into a frenzy, and I had to put down my fork to avoid choking on my cake.

He was wearing a suit that fit him in all the best ways, the dark charcoal gray making his aquamarine eyes stand out. I never knew there could be so many shades to someone’s eye color, but I’d come to realize that Gabriel Olysses was anything but an ordinary human.

It wasn’t fair for a man to have eyes that beautiful or lashes that long.

“Mr. Olysses,” Cleo greeted him, a smile still on her face.

I fought down the urge to fan my face when his attention was on me, making my body flush. “Vanna. Did the movers sort everything?”

Clearing my throat, I nodded, suddenly feeling too hot. “They did. Do you want to make sure it’s all where you want it?”

“Why don’t you show me?”

I jumped up, cake forgotten. “Should we start with your office?”

He held out his hand for me to walk in front of him, one corner of his mouth tipped up in a half smile. “Lead the way.”

I walked him to the room in the house I’d decided was perfect for his office. It had large windows overlooking the pool, and two sides had shelves from top to bottom. There was also a fireplace, and it was big enough to fit his giant desk and a sitting area if he wanted.

“They arranged your books on that shelf over there.” I pointed to the rows to the right that were filled with books. The rest of the bookcase was empty. “Your filing cabinet is behind the desk over there.”

I suppressed the cringe that worked its way up at the mention of his files. I wasn’t proud to admit that I’d tried each drawer only to find them locked. The relief I’d felt at not being able to access his documents had warred with the fear of what would happen if I didn’t find anything soon.

“Looks great. Maybe we can get a couch for over there.” He pointed to the wall that was still bare. “This office is mostly for after-hours stuff. I’ll handle most of my business from my city office.”

Aleksándr conducted a lot of business from his house, and I’d had to become a master at avoiding his associates. Hearing that I wouldn't have to continue to evade wandering hands and slimy stares was a relief.

We made our way up to the bedroom, my hands growing clammy. I pushed open the door, and Gabriel stopped at the entry. “They put my stuff with yours?”

“I guess they assumed that’s where you’d be sleeping.”

He stepped closer, lifting my chin with a finger. “And am I sleeping in here?”

My body stilled, my heartbeat loud in my ears. “You’ll have to since there are no other beds in the house.” I cleared my throat. “I’m so sorry for not getting the guest bedrooms done, but I wanted to sort out the rooms I’d actually be living in first. I didn’t know you’d stay here.”