Page 33 of Tainted Promise

“Your poor choices in women.” Jude winked at me. “Present company excluded, of course.”

Gabriel pulled me into his side, and I put one arm around his back, the other resting on his chest. We looked like a real couple to everyone around us. And once again, the what-ifs popped into my head.

What if he didn’t resent our marriage? What if he could learn to tolerate me? What if he thought of me as his equal, not a problem?

“Good thing I don’t have to worry about that anymore since I’m now married.” He winked at me, showing a lighter side to him.

Is he saying there are no other women?There was no way he could mean it. Celibacy wasn’t something he’d have to practice. He was the boss. The most powerful man in Chicago. He could do whatever—and whoever—he wanted.

Someone interrupted our conversation before it could go any further. “Nan Nan. I didn’t know you’d be here.”

My face lit up at the familiar voice. “Caspar.” I untangled myself from my husband and hugged my friend.

He buried his head in the side of mine, his words only meant for me. “It’s so fucking good to see you. I was so worried when I heard your dad made you marry an Olysses.”

I squeezed him one last time, inhaling his familiar scent, then stepped back.

I’d always made sure to get little bits of news from Marina, even though sometimes it was hard to hear about his life as if I’d never existed. Especially since I used to have hearts in my eyes whenever I looked at him.

Caspar kept hold of my hands, taking me in with a slight upturn of his mouth. “You look amazing.”

I lowered my gaze to our clasped hands. I hadn’t seen him since he’d turned eighteen. But his touch felt familiar, his voice reminding me of the tight friendship we’d once shared.

An arm around my waist pulled me back into Gabriel’s strong body. “Care to introduce us?” His tone was cutting, his body so stiff I feared he might pop a blood vessel.

The smile slid off my face when I tilted my head back and was met with a wave of anger so intense it was a physical being swirling around us.

“This is my… my friend, Cas-Caspar,” I stuttered. “We grew up together.”

Neither man extended a hand. Their eyes narrowed, taking in the other and clearly finding them lacking.

Freya shouldered past her brother. “Caspar. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Vanna’s sister-in-law, Freya.” She turned and shot a warning look at Gabriel. “And this is my brother, Gabriel.” She then pointed at Jude, who watched the scene with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “And that’s my other brother, Jude.”

Caspar nodded at them, then turned his attention back on me. “I missed you, Van. It’s been too long. Do you have time to catch up sometime? To talk?”

Jude coughed, poorly covering up his laugh. “Someone has a death wish.”

I ignored Gabriel’s growl and tightening grip. “I’d love that.” I held out my phone. “Put your number in and I’ll message you this week to organize something.”

He typed in his number, then rang himself before handing my phone back to me with a smile. “That sounds great. I’m so glad we ran into each other.”

I didn’t attempt to hug him again. I knew Gabriel well enough by now to realize that would have pushed him too far.

Caspar winked at me like he had so many times over the years. “Me too.”

My heart ached remembering the hours we’d spent climbing trees and collecting ladybugs growing up. Caspar walked off, looking back over his shoulder before disappearing into the crowd.

Jude stepped in front of Gabriel, blocking his view. “Not worth it, brother.”

Freya linked her arm with mine, pulling me away from my husband, who seemed reluctant to let me go. “This calls for a restroom session.”

We wound our way through the room, Freya stopping occasionally to say hi to someone. She always introduced me as her sister. My heart was close to bursting at the gesture. By the time we made it to the much quieter hallway leading to the restrooms, I had to bite back the tears.

How could I ever live with myself after betraying them?

Once inside the restroom, we went to the mirror, and Freya touched up her makeup. I was too shaken to do more than wash my hands.

After she finished reapplying her lipstick, her eyes met mine in the mirror. “Now spill. How do you know Caspar? And do you return his feelings for you?”