Page 3 of Tainted Promise

Gabriel turned to face me, his leg brushing against the tulle of my dress. “Just so we’re clear, this isn’t going to be some fairy-tale bullshit. We both know this marriage unites our families. You can continue living your life, and I’ll continue living mine. As long as we don’t get in each other’s way, everyone’s going to be happy.”

Okay, I guess we’re doing this now.The honeymoon was apparently over about five minutes after we said our vows.

Lifting my face to his, I took in his sky-blue eyes, his perfectly coiffed hair, and his firm and sensual lips. “Fine with me.”

He leaned back, his eyes glacial, his square jaw tightened. “Glad we’re on the same page. Because no matter how much I want to fuck you, it’s not going to happen.”

Mirroring his pose, I leaned back as well, putting as much distance between us as possible. His crude words rang in my ears. I wasn’t shocked by his language—I was used to much worse—but his directness. Backstabbing and fake smiles were the norm in my world.

The car was charged with a tense silence, the sight of the white towers of the wedding venue a welcome sight.

Gabriel didn’t bother helping me out of the car, not even when all the tulle threatened to bury me alive.

Fighting my way back out with a huff, I straightened my dress as best as I could, the train bunched up and dragging on the ground. I couldn’t remember how to detach it and hoped Louisa would get here soon to take care of it.

“You going to stand there all day?” the asshat asked, halfway to the front door already.

Best to get this over with.

Gathering as much of my dress as I could hold, I followed, taking one careful step after another while cursing under my breath.

He slammed inside, not bothering to hold the door. I awkwardly leaned my back against it and took myself and my train inside.

Leaving me standing in the middle of the foyer, hands clenching my dress, my body alight with fury, he disappeared into the reception hall.

Storming after him, I found him at the bar, ordering a drink.

Facing the room, Gabriel sipped at his shot, leaning back against the bar.

The suit stretched over his chest, giving me a glimpse of what lay beneath. And even though I hated myself for even thinking about it, what I’d seen and felt so far was impressive.

Before I had another chance to steal furtive glances at him, Louisa hustled inside in a rush of pink taffeta, her bright dress and hat hard to miss. “Let’s fix up the mess you’ve made of your dress.” She took my arm and led me away.

I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder, catching Gabriel’s eyes, which had been following us out of the room. His face was pinched tight, confusion marring his beautiful features.

Louisa dragged me down a long hallway and then into a dressing room. It didn’t surprise me that she already knew exactly where everything was. Mytetyawas all about preparation.

She detached the train with a few flicks of her hand, tutting the whole time about its crinkled and dirty state. Its oppressive weight fell away, allowing me to walk without feeling like I was pulling a truck along with me.

The dress underneath was a fitted, floor-length lacy gown, showing off more than I’d ever feel comfortable with. My usually small boobs were pushed high, making them look at least two sizes bigger than they really were. Satin underlined the white lace, leaving gaps on my waist, along my thighs, and on my back.

Tugging my hair back into submission, she studied my face with a critical expression. “I guess this will have to do for now. Your husband said no photos, so I only booked the stylist for the church.”

I didn’t care if there were no mementos of the day, since it would make it easier to pretend it had never happened. Once Louisa was satisfied I wouldn’t besmirch the family name with my bedraggled appearance, she released me. I didn’t delay and hastened back to the ballroom.

If Aleksándrwas already there, he’d be furious if I made him wait.

When I stepped through the large double doors, the first person I locked eyes with was Aleksándr. I refused to call him by anything but his name. There was nothing fatherly about any of his interactions with me, and I’d always thought of him as my prison guard rather than a family member. And based on the malice gleaming in his eyes, I’d pay for not being there to greet him.

Curse my luck. Or lack thereof.

Pasting a bright smile on my face, I took a deep breath and walked up to him. Delaying the inevitable had never done me any favors. And if there was one thing I’d learned growing up, it was how to face my punishments without delay, as that would only make them worse.



I droppedmy empty shot glass as soon as my wife walked back inside the large ballroom. She was a wet dream come to life. The tight, lacy dress she wore left nothing to the imagination. The gaps in it showed hints of her creamy skin that my fingers itched to touch.