Page 15 of Tainted Promise

Jude coughed next to me, mumbling something that sounded an awful lot like “hypocrite.” We’d been sneaking alcohol long before we’d legally been allowed to drink.

Filling her glass with water, I set it back in front of her.

Jude loudly put his glass down, no doubt deliberate to get everyone’s attention. “Any news on who ordered the hit on Dad?”

He’d been shot not long ago, and we were working tirelessly on finding out who was responsible. But no matter how many men we had out there searching for information, we still didn’t have any answers.

Mom’s narrowed eyes changed course to focus on Dad. “Do we really need to talk about business at the dinner table?”

She liked to pretend Dad never got shot. I didn’t think she would have survived if he hadn’t made it. They were as close as two people could get.

He took her hand in his, and she relaxed back into her seat. “I think everyone agrees that this is important enough to discuss.”

I shook my head. “Sorry, Dad, but we still don’t know who ordered the hit.” The last two times we thought we had the right person, they were either dead before we got there or had no usable information. We’d find the person responsible eventually, but there’d be more losses until we did.

Jude patted his mouth with his napkin, ignoring the surprised look everyone gave him. He was the messiest eater out of all of us and unrepentant. “It’s not only a question of who ordered the hit but also who would be stupid enough to take the job.” He placed his napkin back on his lap, and I wondered what had brought on the change to his usually atrocious manners. “But I’ll find them. And then I’ll deal with them.”

I glanced at Vanna, but she seemed unperturbed by the conversation. It was one more thing that made her fit into my family so well. She knew our world. Didn’t flinch when we talked about business.

Freya ignored the somber mood in the room, nudging Vanna. “You still up for shopping this weekend?”

“Absolutely. I’m in desperate need of a new wardrobe and haircut.”

“I think you should go shoulder-length,” Quinn said.

Freya tilted her head, taking in my wife’s hair. “A bob would look great.”

“You’re not cutting your hair.” The command slipped out before I thought about what I was doing. All attention focused on me once again.

Freya glared at me. “And how is that any business of yours?”

Cutting my steak, I met her gaze. “She’s my wife. Of course it’s my business.” Since the words were already out there, and it was too late to take them back, I stuck to my guns.

When I chanced a glance at Vanna, she looked more confused than mad. “The contract said nothing about my hair.”

She had me there. And I realized as soon as I’d said it that I was being unreasonable. But she seemed to bring out my inner caveman whenever I was close to her. Another reason to put distance between us.

Time to jump out of the hole I’ve dug for myself.“As fun as this has been, I have work to do.” I abandoned my half-finished plate and got up, looking across the table at Vanna. “You ready to go?”

Her big doe eyes blinked up at me in confusion. “Go where?”

“Your house. That’s where you’ll be living, after all. Unless you want to move in with my parents.”

To my surprise, she seemed to consider it for a moment before standing up as well. “Of course. You just surprised me.”

Mom jumped up, jostling the table. But since Dad had had plenty of practice, his hand shot out, steadying her precariously swaying glass. “You’re leaving already? Don’t you want to stay the night and go to the house tomorrow?”

Kissing Mom’s cheek, then shaking Dad’s hand, I decided on a swift retreat. “I’m sure Vanna wants to settle in. As you pointed out, she has none of her things.”

Mom shot a concerned glance at Vanna, who was saying goodbye to Freya. “Actually, I sent someone to pack her a bag. She has everything she needs here.”

“I really need to get back to work.”


“Mom, I love you, but Vanna has a house. One I’m sure she’s eager to see.”

Vanna came up to us, then hugged Mom. “It’s fine. Really. I’ll see you on our shopping trip.”