“You okay?”

“Mm-hmm. I just need to use the bathroom,” I whisper so he doesn’t hear the crack in my voice.

I climb off the bed and shut myself in the bathroom. I go pee and wash my hands, taking the time to allow my heartbeat to return to its regular beating schedule.

Taking a deep breath, I walk back into the bedroom and find Ev leaning on his elbow, watching me. Okay, so going back to bed is not an option.

“I’m going to get something to drink. Now that I’m awake, I won’t be able to sleep again.”

He opens his mouth to say something. I know if he offers his services to help me relax, I’ll end up bouncing on his dick before I remember why it is a ridiculously bad idea. In this situation, I do the only thing I can. I run, stubbing my toe and cursing like a motherfucker as I make a mad dash to the living room.

It’s cooler out here, thank God, because I’m about to spontaneously combust. I lean against the kitchen counter, and when I realize how cold the countertop is, I lean over and press my burning cheeks to it. It helps a little until Ninja Boy, aka Evander, steps up behind me and presses his hard dick against my ass. And I gasp, grinding against him.

His hands move to my hips for a second, and I whimper. But he finds the strength I seem to be lacking and backs away with a curse.

“I’m sorry.” I have no idea why I’m acting like a nympho.

“You don’t need to be sorry,” he grunts out. “But you do need to stand up. I’m trying to be strong here, but I’m a man, Avery. My willpower only goes so far when you’re bent over in front of me like that. All I can think about is sliding my dick inside your slick pussy. And, baby, we both know right now you’re dripping.”

“Not helping,” I tell him through gritted teeth as I bang my head against the countertop.

“Hey, hey, stop that. How about we both get dressed and get out of here for a bit? Some fresh air will do us the world of good.”

“That sounds like a really freaking good idea. Let me just go take a cold shower and put some clothes on. That’ll help.”

“Only if you’re planning on wearing a burka,” he mumbles under his breath.

I hurry back to the bedroom, which now feels like the scene of a crime, and straight into the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes and climb into the shower, the cool water rushing over me, but I know it won’t be enough. I look at the closed door and think, Fuck it.

I slip my fingers between my legs and stroke my clit. I let my eyes drift closed as I replay the scene of me on the bed with E standing over me. Biting my lip to stop myself from crying out, I imagine my fingers are his. I’m so aroused, it doesn’t take long for me to come. Ev’s whispered name is lost in the spray of the shower, rapidly cooling down my overheated skin. Thankfully, that seems to have done the trick. As I climb out and dry myself off, I feel more in control than I did before.

Realizing I haven’t brought any clothes in with me, I wrap the towel around my body, which would be fine if the towel wasn’t so damn small. And with a curse, I open the door and suck in a lungful of air when I find E leaning against the door frame, his dark eyes full of fire as he looms over me.

“You think of me while you were fucking your pretty little cunt?”

And just like that, my good intentions almost go out the window.


I bite the inside of my cheek so hard that I can taste blood. “Ev,” I whisper.

He shakes his head, a growl ripping from his throat. “Just go. Go before I do something you’ll regret.”

I slip past him and watch as he disappears into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I sit on the edge of the bed, my legs no longer strong enough to hold me up.

“You’ll regret,” I repeat to myself, noting that he said nothing about regretting it himself. He’s holding back for me, but right now, I’m hanging on by a thread.

Spotting my bag on the bed, I hurry to find clean clothes and take them out, pulling on my underwear, which is easier than it sounds when my skin is still damp. Once they’re on, I shove my legs into a pair of beige sweatpants and yank an oversized black hoodie on over my head before grabbing my brush and leaving the room just as I hear the shower.

Brushing my hair as I walk, I use the hairband on my wrist to secure my hair on top of my head in a messy bun before tossing the brush on the counter. I bend and stretch my arm, rotating it a little like Jess taught me, until it begins to throb. Looking through the kitchen cupboards, I find a bottle of Tylenol and pour myself a glass of water. I pop a couple of pills in my mouth and swallow them before heading over to the door to grab my sneakers. Belatedly, I realize I forgot to grab socks, but I refuse to go back to the bedroom where Ev is naked, running a hand over his—

Nope. Don’t go there, Avery. This is getting ridiculous. With a huff, I sit down and shove my feet into my sneakers before lacing them up with far more aggression than necessary. I’m standing ready by the door when Ev comes out dressed in gray sweatpants and a white wife beater. My eyes drift down to the crouch of his sweatpants, and I blink before finally losing it.

“Nope. Go change.”

“Huh?” He looks at me like I’ve grown a third tit. Maybe I have, but I’ve reached my limit. How the fuck does he expect me to behave with him walking around here looking like a thirst trap? Nope. Not happening. Sweatpants are my kryptonite. If he doesn’t change, we’re going to have a huge problem. A huge problem that I’m going to ride until he’s chaffed in uncomfortable places and I end up pregnant.

“You can’t wear those out. We’re supposed to be getting air so that we don’t jump each other. This”—I wave my hand around to encompass his sweatpants—“is not helping. It’s hard enough resisting GI Joe Evander. I’m not strong enough to resist sweatpants Evander too.”