“Better odds of winning the lottery, I imagine. But remember what I said about the Division being manipulative?”

“Are you saying they’re acting as cupid for the extra-special people out there?” Slade huffs.

“Not even close. I mean, sure, they’ll push couples together if it’s an option, but they don’t need two humans to have sex to make a baby. They just need the woman’s eggs and the man’s sperm.”

“Holy fuck,” Hawk chokes.

“Exactly. And they can get those in any number of ways without the biological parents even knowing. Let’s say, for instance, a woman is in a car accident. She has to go into surgery for whatever reason. A doctor on the payroll could harvest the eggs at the same time, and any discomfort afterward would be attributed to the accident.”

“That’s so fucking illegal,” Crew hisses.

“It’s a means to an end, and they gave up on caring about what’s legal years ago when they started tagging people’s DNA.”

“What does this have to do with Salem, though? They want to get rid of our baby because me and Oz aren’t gifted? That doesn’t make sense. Our kiddo could still be powerful, especially if she’s a girl—” Zig’s words come to a halt as he looks at me.

Tears slip down my cheeks at the look on his face.

“She’s carrying a boy, isn’t she?”

“If I’m putting everything together right, then yeah. The only way they’d target your child was if they were useless to them. And the only way they’d know that for sure…”

“Is if we have a son, because Salem’s gift only passes down the female line. You think your seer told them?”

“I don’t know, maybe. She’s just a little girl. She wouldn’t understand what the big deal was.”

“Why the fuck bother coming after our boy if he’s no threat to them?” Oz roars, jumping up.

Zig grips his brother’s wrist to calm him, but his eyes stay on mine. “Does the name Alejandro Ortiz mean anything to you?”

I nod. “His father, Gerardo Ortiz, was a childhood friend of Arthur Smith. I heard some people in the office talking about Arthur was stupid to fly out for his funeral in case anyone recognized him.”

“And I’m betting fucking Alejandro recognized him,” Oz hisses.

“That’s probably why…” Zig trails off, looking at Oz.

“What are you thinking?” asks Hawk.

“When Alejandro got his hands on Salem at the clinic, there was another man there. He was there to collect Salem, but Alejandro mentioned something about a deal. I’d have to talk to Salem for the details, but the man said Alejandro could do what he wanted as long as he didn’t get her pregnant. I’m guessing the Penn Division already had plans for Salem’s baby daddy, and it wasn’t Alejandro.”

“So why was she even with the psycho in the first place? That’s what I can’t understand,” Greg questions.

“If Arthur and Gerardo were friends, then my guess is he loaned Salem to them, figuratively speaking, to heal his son.”

“When we broke her out of the cell, it was too easy. We knew that. Makes me wonder if it was Salem’s Penn Travis helping us,” Zig says.

“It still doesn’t justify him blowing up the fucking clinic and killing everyone,” Oz huffs.

“Are you talking about the clinic in Izamal?”

“You know what happened there?”

“No. What I do know is that it wasn’t the work of any Penn Travis. It was a military operation. Intel said they were terrorists. I don’t know anything more than that.”

“It’s all making a twisted sort of sense now.” Crew shakes his head.

“And yet brings up a million more questions,” Wilder grunts before looking at me. “Can I ask why you lost it there for a second? I’m still not sure I get it. You came here to warn us about the baby being in danger, so why the freak-out?”

“I did, though I wasn’t sure which baby or who it belonged to at the time. The problem is that they didn’t just send someone to take out the baby. That person was more than happy to take out Salem, too, by the sounds of it, and that is not something Boss Man would sanction. He’ll want Salem for his collection because of how gifted she is. The fact that my seer has seen a second attack is what scares me more. Isolated incidents happen. You get rogue players and people that go against orders. But this is something else, and I have a feeling they’ll keep coming until they get exactly what they want.”