“Shit. I forgot.”

So did I until we sat down. When Astrid was in the hospital after nearly getting flayed alive, she had a vision of her friend James with a woman over him while he bled out. A woman that she was able to identify thanks to a photo that Hawk still carries around in his wallet of the three of us.

“You just wait here in case the doctor comes out with news. I’ll let the others know.”

I walk out and down the corridor, where it’s quiet, before dialing Evander’s number. As the resident tech guru for Apex, I know he’ll have everyone up to speed with what’s going on before he even hangs up his phone.

The phone rings a few times before he answers. “Creed. Everything okay?”

“No. There was a shooting at the diner earlier.”

I hear movement in the background as Ev curses, “Fuck, are you and Hawk alright?”

“We’re both fine. It wasn’t anything to do with us. Some cheater got caught. His girlfriend pulled a gun and got a couple of shots off.”

“He make it?”

“Hawk got to him as she fired.”

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“The gun was aimed my way. Someone stepped in front of it, though, and took the bullet for me.”

“On purpose?”

“Yeah. Then the gunwoman shot herself in the head.”

“Christ.” He taps something on his keyboard. I can hear his fingers moving rapidly over the keys.

“Who was the other person that was shot? If they saved your life, the guys are going to want to—”

“It was Avery,” I cut him off.

There is nothing but silence now. Ev never met Avery. She had already left before he joined the team. But he still knows all about her and about what she did.

“Wow. I mean, I knew she’d turn up. She had to if Astrid was having visions about her, but I didn’t expect it to play out like this.”

“You and me both, Ev.”

“Interesting, though.”

“What the fuck is interesting about my wife being shot and nearly killed?”

“Maybe the fact that you and Hawk were so convinced she played you. Doesn’t sound like the actions of a player to me.”

He hangs up without saying anything else. He doesn’t need to. His words echo around my head. Why would she do that? The woman who took a bullet for me is the same one who left without looking back.

Avery has always been an enigma. I’d met her purely by chance in a coffee shop. Something about her drew me in like a moth to a flame. She was sweet and beautiful. And beneath her polished exterior, there was something about her that never ceased to make me laugh. She was such a contradiction, but that was part of her charm.

I get lost in my thoughts as I make my way back to the waiting room. Hawk looks up but sighs when he sees it’s me and not a doctor.

“I take it nobody has been out yet?”

“No. But no news is good news, right?”

I sit beside him and run my fingers through my hair. “How do you want to play this?”

He looks at me with a frown. “What do you mean?”