“What?” Ev frowns, finally looking up.

“She’s gifted. People call her Kara Zor-El.”

I stare at her, confused.

Ev huffs out a laugh. “Supergirl? Really?”

“She has x-ray vision. Are you really surprised?”

“X-ray vision?”

“Okay, well, not actually X-ray vision, more like she can sense what’s wrong and where. She’s pretty handy to have around when the kids are too scared to talk.”

“So, she’s stuck at the Division because of us?” I curse.

“Maybe,” Avery hedges. “But you did rescue her, and she has saved hundreds of lives since.”

“It doesn’t make it right,” Hawk tells her quietly.

“No, but it doesn’t make it wrong either.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


I take the iPad from Creed and move on to the next file.

“What’s the deal with this one? It says you were hired to apprehend a soldier who had gone AWOL during a training mission. That’s not something that would normally be contracted out. That’s why they have military police—they like to deal with their own.”

“But their reach can only stretch so far. This guy, if I remember correctly, had dual citizenship. He fled the US to avoid being arrested,” Hawk answers.

“And let me guess, the country he went to was a non-expedite country?”

Creed nods. “China. He was born and lived there with his mother before moving to the US with his American father when he was three.”

“So, you both went to China to pick him up. You were lucky you weren’t caught. They aren’t known for being all that welcoming to our military personnel, even if they aren’t active soldiers anymore. Still, it’s an extreme move, sending you in, and a risk. Why do it?”

“He was accused of being a spy and selling state secrets to the Chinese,” Ev says.

“Did you find any proof of this?” I glance at him.

“Our mission was to detain him until a second covert team could take him home for questioning.” Hawk crosses his arms over his chest and frowns.

“It says his name is Fred Downey. Is that his real name?” I question.

“He has dozens of aliases, but that was the one on his birth certificate. Does his name ring any bells?” Ev asks.

I look over at him, then frown when I realize Greg has disappeared. I was so focused that I didn’t hear him leave. Where the heck did he go?

Ev answers my silent question. “He’s gone to get some drinks.”

“I’m sorry, the name doesn’t sound familiar. Do you have a photo?” Ev types on his laptop, and the man appears on the screen in his full uniform.

I narrow my eyes. There is something familiar about him, but I’m not sure why.

“You recognize him?”

“No. Maybe? I’m not sure. He might just have one of those faces. What year did this happen?”