“I think it’s possible he was using you guys to help him without you realizing it. I know E’s going to be busy, but...”

Her voice drifts off as I nod. “No, you’re right. This is important. I’m not as good with the computer stuff as Ev, but I can hold my own. So can Greg and Wilder.”

“I can help, too, if you want. I might recognize names and places.”

“I’ll talk to Zig, but I don’t think he’ll have a problem with it,” I tell her. This is such a fucking mess. “We’d better head back over to the main house and tell them your suspicions.”

“I feel like I’m always the bearer of bad news.”

“I’d rather know what we’re dealing with than fly blindly into trouble. Come on, bring your coffee with you.” She grabs it as I move around the counter and head to the door, letting her out before locking up. I offer her my free hand and feel myself relax when she takes it.

We walk back in silence, each of us lost in thought. When we reach the doors, I open them, and we’re bombarded with noise. Noise that quiets immediately when everyone sees me and Avery holding hands.

“Where’s Ev?”

“In the war room with Greg, digging into Cooper,” Zig answers, heading toward us.

“You okay?” he asks Avery, who nods.

“Avery pointed something out that we haven’t thought about.”

“What’s that?”

“The cases that Cooper was involved in. She thinks we need to look into them.”

Zig turn to Avery. His words come out in a snarl. “You think he was using us to track potential gifted people?”

“It’s possible. Or he could have been using you to keep other people away from them. I don’t know. It’s all just a theory.”

Zig wipes his hand down his face.

“I can look into it,” I say, and Zig looks at me. “Me, Greg, and Wilder are good enough on a computer to at least make a start. And Avery has offered to help—checking names, dates, and locations to see if she recognizes anything.”

“Do it. I feel like we’re missing something here, and it’s pissing me off. Thank you, Avery. Your help would be great. We really appreciate it.”

“I don’t mind, Zig. I feel the same way, like it’s right there, but I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“We’ll figure it out. Thanks to you, we already have more now than we did yesterday.”

Hawk walks over and steps in front of Avery, tipping her chin up so he can look into her eyes. “You good?”

She blows out a breath before nodding. “I’m good.”

Hawk nods and steps back.

“Zig, will you take Avery to Ev? I need to talk to Hawk for a minute.”

“Sure, no problem.”

Avery looks at me, then at Hawk, understanding dawning on her face.

“Go with Zig. I’ll be there soon.” I kiss her forehead before letting go of her hand.

“I…okay.” She hesitates for a second before lifting up onto her toes and pressing a kiss on my cheek. Smiling at the shocked look on my face, she follows Zig out of the room.

I watch until they disappear, then motion to Hawk to step away from the others, who are eavesdropping like a bunch of nosey bitches.

“What is it?”