“So, you”—Astrid looks around before turning back to me—“know what we can do?”

“Yes. I mean I saw a story on the news about you being psychic, you’re not exactly hiding what you can do like Salem, which is smart by the way, but I know what you actually are. You’re a harbinger, and Salem is a healer.” Astrid flinches at my words. “Don’t be ashamed of what you can do. From what I heard, Salem and her baby would already be dead if it wasn’t for you and your gift. It takes someone with unimaginable strength and courage to carry the weight of death on their shoulders and still find a way to live.”

“She’s right,” Slade says softly. “You’re the strongest person I know.”

“You have to say that because you like blow jobs,” she mumbles, making everyone laugh.

“I sure fucking do,” Slade states with a smirk.

“Everyone heard Slade say I was right, right?” I whisper loudly.

Slade looks at me, shaking his head.

I look at Salem, and my hand goes to my mouth. “Oh! I just realized why everyone got weird earlier when you mentioned my shoulder. They were worried about you healing me. Does it hurt you?”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” She ignores Zig’s snort of disbelief. “It’s more to do with not knowing the effect it would have on the baby.”

“Oh. Well, I haven’t met another healer, but most babies aren’t affected by their mother’s gifts. Still, I understand you not wanting to risk it.”

She grumbles something under her breath, but I don’t catch it.

Astrid leans forward a little and catches my attention. “Your seer, she doesn’t just see death?”

“No. Thankfully.”

“Oh, thank God. I wouldn’t wish that on a child. I’m glad for her,” she replies softly. And I smile.

“So,” Salem starts, and I look at her. “You’re like us.”

I nod.

“You can hear lies.”


She nods, biting her lip. I almost laugh at how easy she is to read, but I keep it in check, dropping my guard and waiting for her to test me. It doesn’t take long. “I cheated on my history test in the eighth grade.”

I laugh. “You little rebel, you. Truth.”

“My favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin,” she shouts.

I shake my head. “Liar.”

“It was Astrid that reversed into Zig’s truck.”


“Damn, that’s a useful skill to have.”

The smile falls from my face before her eyes move from me to Hawk.

“Oh, Avery, I’m sorry. That was a stupid thing for me to say.”

“It’s okay.”

“So, Salem wasn’t the first gifted person you guys met. Avery was. That’s one hell of a coincidence,” Astrid states, looking at Zig.

“Wait, this means you all rescuing Salem and accidentally stumbling onto her gift was all a lie?” Astrid gasps.