“How’s your shoulder?” Salem asks.

I realize I’m rubbing it. Astrid tenses beside me as the room quiets. “It’s good, thanks.”

“I could—”

“I think the bacon’s done, Salem.” Zig walks into the kitchen and leans against the counter, effectively putting himself between me and Salem.

“Oh, shoot.” She whirls around as I look up at Zig in confusion. He stares at me, offering no explanation. I sigh and look away.

“Why don’t we go sit down at the table since the food is almost done?” Ev walks over and offers me his hand. I take it and let him lead me over to the table before sitting on the chair that Hawk pulls out for me. Hawk then sits on my left and E on my right as everyone else starts to fill up the empty chairs.

“Should we wait for the others?”

“Crew’s gone to visit his grandmother, and James flew out last night to visit his grandkids,” Wilder answers as he sits.

“Creed went for a run,” Hawk adds.

“Okay, should we save Creed and Crew some food, though?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got them,” Salem calls from the kitchen.

“Nobody misses out on food when Salem is here. She’s like a mother hen,” Greg teases.

“You guys are lucky then.”

Nobody knows what to say to that, so it’s quiet as everyone serves themselves.

Ev grabs my plate. “Want me to fix you a plate?”

“Sure, thanks.”

“Anything you don’t like?”

“Mushrooms,” Hawk says before I can reply.

“You remember that?” I look at him.

“I remember everything.”

“No mushrooms then,” Ev says as he adds a little of everything else to my plate before setting it down in front of me, and I dig in.

As we all eat, appreciative moans and groans are expressed around the table.

“This is delicious, Salem. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So, what’s the big secret everyone is hiding from me and Astrid?”

When nobody volunteers any information, Salem looks at me. “Last I heard, you were in the hospital after saving Creed’s life. Thank you for that, by the way. Losing him… it would have left a huge hole in our family,” she says with tears in her eyes.

I bite my lip and look away because, once upon a time, I was part of this family too.

“Next thing I’m being told is you’re staying here for a little while, but not with Creed or Hawk, but Evander. A man I didn’t think you even knew.”

“Salem,” Ev says sharply.

Salem frowns before her eyes widen. “Crap, I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I just meant he was the only one here you don’t know, so why him when…” her voice drifts off as if she’s answered her own question. And I guess, in a way, she has.

“She’s staying with Ev because he was the only one, well, minus Greg, who didn’t treat her like shit. Nobody else made her feel welcome, and me and Creed were dicks to her.” Hawk sighs.