Their expressions change from smug to wary. Creed approaches slowly, but I back up toward the front door.

“We’re just teasing you, Avery, but we’re not going to hide how we feel about you.”

“Why? It’s never been a problem before.”

“We never hid how we felt.” Creed frowns. He looks at Hawk, who shrugs, looking just as confused.

I laugh, and holy fuck, it sounds like I’m possessed. And it feels like it, too. Nasty, cruel words bubble up inside me, fighting to break free. I bite my tongue so hard that I can taste blood. “How can you say that when everything was a lie?”

“What are you talking about? When did we lie to you?”

Before I can answer, the front door slams open, making me spin around. Standing in the doorway with a gun pointed at Creed and Hawk is a very pissed-off-looking Evander.

“What the fuck, Evander?” Hawk roars.

Ev ignores them, his eyes moving to me, his expression softening as he looks me over and sees me looking mostly unharmed. “You okay?”

“You didn’t know they took me?” I whisper, needing to be sure because I have to trust someone. Only I can’t trust my instincts anymore.

“The second I found out, I came for you.”

“You came for me?” I choke out.

“You bet your ass I did.”

His words hit me hard enough to shock the breath from my lungs. My feet unfreeze, and before I stop to question my actions, I sprint toward him and jump into his arms, wrapping my own around his neck. I sense more people behind E, but I keep my eyes closed and press my face against his throat.

He came for me. When nobody else cared. He came for me. He didn’t give up or assume I’d run. I feel my tears fall as Hawk and Creed start yelling.

“Let go of my fucking wife, Evander, or I’ll kill you.”

“Fuck you, Creed. Seems to me your wife is exactly where she wants to be,” E snarls back. The mild-mannered man I know has been replaced with a pissed-off alpha.

“Evander,” Hawk warns as I lift my head, but whoever is behind us steps around and blocks my view. I realize one of them is Greg, but I don’t know who the other man is.

Both of them seem pissed, though. And something tells me that not all of us are coming out of this unscathed.

“Don’t get involved, Greg. This has nothing to do with you,” Hawk snaps as I look up at E.

Ev presses a kiss to my forehead, holding me against him for a minute longer before he eases me back to my feet. He takes my hand and holds it tightly as the guy I don’t know steps aside. Ev walks forward, taking me with him. The lines are drawn. Apex against Apex, and me the cause of it all. I never wanted this. But I have no idea how to stop everything from deteriorating further.

“I was involved the second you kidnapped Avery. What were you thinking?” Greg yells at them.

“Why do you care? Avery is nothing to you.” Creed steps forward, his eyes dropping to my hand in E’s. His body vibrates with anger.

I jolt at his words, but E holds my hand tightly, refusing to let me step back.

Creed takes in the action, his hands fisting at his side. “Something you want to tell us, wife?”

“You’re unbelievable.” The unknown man snorts.

“When I want your opinion, James, I’ll be sure to ask. But since you’re divorced, I doubt I’ll be coming to you for advice anytime soon.”

“Wow, you really are a dick.” The man I now know as James shakes his head.

“You’re the ones that stormed in here pointing a gun. Avery could have been hurt because of you.”

Everyone is silent for a second before E laughs. “You’re losing it, man. Are you even fucking listening to yourself? For a start, I would never hurt Avery. I’m not sure you can say the same.”