“Don’t bother. It’s not him. Meet me at the motel, and don’t tell anyone else you’ve spoken to me.”

“What’s going on?” His voice is serious, and I can hear Greg asking in the background what’s wrong.

“I’ll explain when you get here.”

I hang up before they can ask any more questions. I open the laptop again and type coordinates into the map before pulling up the street view. There is no street view, though, because the property is in the middle of fucking nowhere. Instead, I piggyback off a satellite—that would get me thrown into jail if NASA found out—and finally manage to get some images of the old house sitting on a few acres of land. Some of it is field, but a lot of it is dense forest. It won’t be easy to sneak up on them. Not unless I park on the other side of the trees and hike through. The terrain looks level enough to not cause too many issues.

I run my hands through my hair as I plan my route. The only thing I try not to think about is what state Avery will be in when I find her. I have to believe that neither Creed nor Hawk would hurt her. They’re good fucking men—men I’d trust with my life. But then, those men wouldn’t have kidnapped her. I think about how blindly we trusted Cooper, not seeing the changes in the man we once saw as a brother or father figure until it was too late.

I jump when there is a knock on the window. My situational awareness is fucked-up when I lose myself in work. One day, it will be my downfall, but that’s a problem for tomorrow. Right now, all that matters is Avery. I open my door wide when Greg moves back and get out of the car, not looking forward to this conversation.

“You found something. What is it? Is Avery okay?”

“I don’t know, but she better fucking be.”

“Explain,” Greg barks, crossing his arms as James stands beside me, watching me with curiosity in his eyes.

“I found Damon’s camera. It was in the air vent. I hacked the feed and watched what went down. I know who took Avery.”

“Who?” James asks when I pause.

“Creed and Hawk.”

Greg blows out a relieved breath, but James frowns, his eyes still on me.

“Fuck. Well, at least we know she’s safe. Where is she?”

I turn to look at Greg, whose face falls at my expression.

“You aren’t telling me everything, are you?”

I blow out a breath and try to keep my temper in check. “If you mean the fact that they broke into her room, drugged her, and kidnapped her while she was half-naked and unconscious, then you’re right. I didn’t tell you everything because if I hadn’t watched them with my own two eyes, I’m not sure I would’ve believed it myself.”

“You’re serious?”

I nod, and James curses.

“Holy fuck, what the hell do they think they are doing?”

“I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care. This isn’t what we do. I don’t care who she is to them or what their feelings are.”

“You’re right. I can’t even imagine what she thought when she woke up. Especially after the way Hawk spoke to her.”

“You tell Zig and Oz yet?” James asks.

“No. I don’t want to sit around talking and making plans or give them the benefit of the doubt. They lied about not being finished with a job to pull this shit. Not fucking happening.”

“So, what’s the plan?”

“The plan is we’re going to get Avery and bring her back to Apex, where I can find out exactly what those fuckers did and if she still wants our help.”

“Help with what?” James asks.

“Let’s just get Avery safe first. I’ll answer all your questions later.”

“Alright. You know where she is?”

“Yeah, about two hours from here. Are you both armed?”