The exercise feels good, though my bad arm is going numb, rendering it useless, and I tire quickly. Turning over so that I can float like Hawk, I don’t give much thought to the display I’m putting on until I feel hands around my waist.

I shriek and feel myself beginning to sink before Hawk yanks me to his body.

“How the hell did you get to me like that?” I never even heard a splash.

“Navy SEAL, baby,” he reminds me.

“Tricky bastard. You can let me go now.”

“Nope. You’re tired. I admit, I didn’t think about your arm when I suggested this. Hell, I should have made sure the wound was covered,” he growls, mad at himself as he swims us closer to the edge of the pond.

“No, wait,” I say, looking over my shoulder. “I’m fine. Please. I don’t want to leave yet. Just ten more minutes, then I swear I’ll take a shower, and you can cover the thing with that gross-smelling cream that is supposed to kill ninety-nine percent of everything on earth.”

He looks torn, so I turn and wrap my arms around his neck and look up into his eyes. “Please, Hawk.”

“And you say I’m tricky. Fine, but I’ll carry you. You’ve put your arm through enough for today.”

I don’t argue because I know he’d make me get out otherwise. The only problem, the hair on his chest is rubbing against my nipples, causing friction that’s making my temperature rise.

Oh, this is so, so bad.

“Alright, maybe we should get out.” My voice squeaks, making him look down at me with a frown.

“You were begging me to stay in a second ago. What’s wrong?”

“I don’t beg, and nothing’s wrong. I just want to get out now.”

His eyes move over my face before dropping to the top of my chest, which I know is flushed, and a wicked grin spreads across his face. “I think we should stay a little longer, Avery. Looks to me like you need to cool off.”


“Just trust me, okay?”

I swallow and feel myself pulling back. “I can’t. I want to get out now.” My voice is barely above a whisper, but I know he hears the sincerity in it when he curses and carries me to the edge of the water, placing me gently on my feet.

I hurry over to my things and slip my T-shirt on over my head before shoving my feet back into my sneakers. I can feel Hawk’s eyes on me, but I can’t bring myself to look at him. I start heading back the way we came when Hawk steps around me and takes my hand, pulling me along in silence.

My heart feels like it’s crumbling in my chest. I don’t understand why, out of everything that’s happened, this is the moment that cuts me the deepest. It makes no sense, and yet I swear I can feel my heart breaking all over again. Tears run down my face, blurring my vision, making me grateful that Hawk is leading us, or I’d probably break my neck.

I try to keep as quiet as possible, not wanting Hawk to see how upset I am. He would only ask questions, questions I either won’t answer or can’t. When we make it back to where I can see the house, I know I’m not going to be able to keep it together much longer. I shake Hawk’s hand off and sprint toward the house, needing to put some distance between us before I lose it all together.

“Avery, wait!” he yells. But I keep going, my eyes solely focused on the door, which is why I don’t see the body approaching from the side until arms wrap around me and yank me to a hard chest.

“No!” I snap, struggling to get free. The pain in my arm from my fight makes my tears fall harder.

“What the fuck is going on?” Creed yells as he tries to restrain me.

I start beating against his chest before my legs give out on me. He keeps me from falling, pulling me up into his arms and carrying me into the house.

“Why is she so wet? You better tell me what the fuck is going on, Hawk, before I beat it out of you.”

“We went swimming in the pond. She was fine. I don’t know what set her off.”

“You took her in the pond?” he snaps, and I find myself being carried into the bathroom.

“Avery, look at me, sweetheart.”

I lift my head and stare into Creed’s worried eyes.