“Alright, what can I help with?”

She’s so lost in her thoughts that she jumps at the sound of my voice, making me grin.


“You want me to help with what now?” I tease.

Her face turns a pretty shade of pink as she whirls around and points a spatula at me. “Behave.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She mumbles something under her breath before sliding the bowl of ground beef toward me. “You can shape the burgers for me. Thank you.” She tacks on the end, making me grin.

“How’s your shoulder?”

“It’s sore, but the pain is more bearable than it was before. What am I supposed to do about physical therapy? The whole being kidnapped thing has kinda put a kink in my timetable.”

“Don’t worry, Creed said he was dealing with that.”

Avery doesn’t say anything, but I can see the wheels turning in her brain as she starts to formulate a plan.

“I have to warn you to be on your best behavior. I’d hate to have to punish you.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “That’s the second time you’ve threatened to punish me. Unless you’re planning to start sleeping with your eyes open, I suggest you make it your last.”

I focus on shaping the patties, but that doesn’t stop me from answering. “That’s not a threat, Avery. It’s a promise. But by all means, push my buttons. I think I’ll like showing you exactly what I’m capable of.”

Chapter Eleven


There is an intensity coming from Hawk that I don’t think was there before. There were moments where his dominance shone through, but this is something else, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me nervous.

We eat in silence, with me not being able to think of a safe topic to talk about and Hawk seeming to enjoy my squirming. After cleaning up the dishes and leaving Creed’s food wrapped up in the fridge, I wring my hands at the thought of having nothing to do once more. I could clean, but it looks like someone has recently done it. And honestly, there isn’t much here to clean.

“Do you want to sit on the porch?”

I nod, figuring outside has to be better than in here, where the walls are beginning to feel like they’re closing in on me.

“Go sit down. I’ll grab us some drinks and follow you out.”

I do as he says, keeping some distance between us as I pass him. I collapse into one of the chairs and take a deep breath before blowing it out. If I had a pair of ruby slippers, I’d be clicking my heels like a maniac right now because I’m beyond ready to go home.

I think back to my phone call with Lara and Bella. I know Lara will keep Bella safe, but when I don’t call to check in, they’ll worry, and that’s the last thing I want. Lara’s a grown adult. She might worry about what’s going on with me, but she’ll understand that things come up. Bella is six years old and will probably panic when I don’t call her or come back, and she already carries the weight of the world on her shoulders.

I let my mind drift to Greg and then Evander. I wonder what they think of my disappearance or if they even know I’m missing. Worse, I wonder if they were in on it to begin with. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d been fucked over by someone I trusted, but a part of me wasn’t willing to write them off just yet. Especially E, though I’m not sure why it matters so much what he thinks of me.

I’m married, whether I like it or not. And not to just anyone, but two of his friends. Even if, after all this, they grant me a divorce, they’ll never be okay with me having a relationship with him. Not that he would want one with me. Who would want—

“What are you thinking about so hard?”

“Holy mother of God, don’t sneak up on me like that.” I press my hand to my chest and will my thundering heart to calm the fuck down.

“Now I really want to know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

I feel my cheeks flush. “None of your business,” I snap, my eyes dropping to his hands, which don’t carry drinks but my running shoes.

“I thought you might want to go for a walk.”