“What?” The woman says, making me pause.

There is silence for a second before she hisses, “His wife? I don’t understand.”

I feel my heart lodge in my throat for her. What a lying piece of shit.

“No, no, that can’t be—a daughter?” She sucks in a sharp breath before making a sound like a wounded animal.

“Sure. I’ll tell him.” Her voice is robotic now—no signs of the pain she’s feeling at all.

I’m tempted to keep going and leave while I still have the chance, but something makes me hesitate. Maybe it’s because I know what it feels like.

She gets to her feet and grabs her bag, her eyes clashing with mine for a second before she rummages inside for something.

I turn when I hear whistling. The asshole, oblivious to what just happened, walks out of the bathroom with Hawk right behind him.

A sense of foreboding washes over me as Creed turns from where he stands at the counter to say something to Hawk.

The asshole keeps heading our way, and when he sees his now ex-girlfriend standing up with her bag in her hand, he frowns. “Now, what’s your problem?”

She pulls her hand from her bag and points a gun at him. I freeze, my eyes darting around the room as everything seems to somehow slow down and speed up at once.

“Whoa, Carly, what the fuck are you doing?”

His loud voice draws the attention of Hawk and Creed. The waitress behind the counter gasps when she sees the gun.

“You have a wife?”

The dickhead pales before shaking his head, his eyes darting to the cell phone on the table. “You answered my phone?” he snaps.

“You have a daughter.” Her voice breaks, and Jesus, her pain is so palpable it hurts my chest.

“Now, Carly—”

“No!” she screams at him, the gun in her hand wavering as I see Creed edge closer.

I can’t see Hawk anymore, but I know he’s here somewhere, looking for a way to defuse the situation before it gets worse.

“You lied to me. You’re just like the rest. You made me think I was going insane.”

“Just put the gun down, Carly, and we’ll talk, okay? I love you.”


“You’re a liar.” The resignation in her voice makes the hair on my arms stand on end.

I start to move toward Creed without thinking. I hear the gun cock, and in a blur of movement, I see Hawk taking the cheating asshole to the ground as the gun is fired. I throw myself at Creed, covering his body with mine as a bullet rips through my back.

Creed’s eyes collide with mine and widen as he grabs me to stop me from falling. “Avery?”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I hear a roar before the darkness swallows me whole.

Chapter Two


I hold Avery tightly to me as she passes out.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” the shooter gasps before turning the gun on herself.