“I know you don’t like to listen to the rules around here, but I’m afraid I must insist that you step outside so that I can help my patient get cleaned up.”

Ev looks at me.

“Go home. Talk to the guys. I have a feeling this is going to take a lot out of me, so I’m pretty sure there’s going to be a nap in my future.”

“Alright, fine.” He leans over me, but instead of kissing my forehead like he’s been doing, his lips press against the corner of my mouth, making my eyes widen in shock. He pulls back and winks at me, making me blink rapidly.

What in the heck was that all about? I open my mouth to ask him just that, but he just grins. Don’t overthink it, Avery.

“Are you expecting Greg back? Want me to call him?”

I swallow, trying to get my thoughts in order. “He went to the cafeteria to get a coffee and to find something edible for me to eat. Can you take him home with you? Tell him I’m okay. I just need to rest.”

“I can do that. Want me to bring anything with me when I come back? Food, clothes, books?”

My eyes must light up when he mentions books because he laughs.

“Alright, I’ll see what I can find. Take care, Avery.”

“You too, Evander.”

The nurse waits for him to close the door before the scowl melts off her face. “Sweet baby Jesus, he sure is a looker.”

I chuckle at her words, ignoring the pain in my shoulder. “Seems to be a job requirement.”

“Oh yeah? What does he do?”

“Have you heard of Apex Tactical?” They are local heroes around here, but most people are surprisingly tight-lipped about them, which says a lot about the kind of men they are to garner that kind of reaction from people.

“He’s from Apex?”


“Well, that explains a lot.”

“It does?”

“Uh-huh, like every time he walks into a room, my panties seem to just… poof—disappear.”

A burst of startled laughter escapes me. Though it makes my shoulder scream in pain, it feels good to laugh—to feel something other than anger and heartbreak.

“So, how did you meet that chunk of hunk-a-liciousness?”

“He’s friends with my ex-husbands.”

“Exes, plural? This sounds better than my favorite soap opera.”

“Unfortunately, there’s no happy ending to my story.”

“Pish posh. You’re still young. You’re acting like your story is over when you’re not even halfway through. The way that boy was looking at you, I think you’ll find there is a whole lot more to come.”

“Wait, what? No, it’s not like—”

She presses her fingers to my lips and shushes me. “That man is finer than frog hair, and he’s into you. You said exes?”

When I nod, still trying to understand the frog hair comment, she continues.

“Then I don’t see there being a problem with you getting down and dirty with soldier boy.”