* * *

I take in all the people eating and laughing and feel James’s loss weighing heavily on me. The kids have all finished eating and have piled onto the sofa, where they are watching cartoons. Lara is sitting between Wilder and Crew, who are looking at her like she’s the answer to all their problems. Lara, meanwhile, looks like she wants to hide under the table.

Getting up, I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of juice. I lean against the counter and take a drink. Suddenly, I feel someone step up beside me.

I jump, making Astrid laugh. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No, it’s fine. I just thought you were in the bathroom, and I guess I’m also still a little on edge.”

“That’s understandable.”

“I’m so sorry about James.”

“I know you are, but you’ve got to stop beating yourself up about it. There was nothing else you could do. You did what James wanted. You saved yourself and your baby, and then you got all those kids out. I won’t say I’m not heartbroken because I am, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m so freaking glad you’re here. That you all are,” she says, looking over at the kids, who are arguing over the remote control.

When the news comes on, I recognize the building the reporter is standing in front of and slowly walk over to the television so I can hear better.

Officials are ruling it an accident. The death toll has now risen to fifteen, with another eight people still unaccounted for.

“Hey guys, do you want to play outside for a little while?”

They all turn to look at me, and the noise around the table dies down.

“I’ll take them, Avery,” Lara offers, walking over.

“We’ll come too.” Crew gets up with Wilder right behind him.

“We won’t ever go back, right?” Alfie asks me.

It’s Zig who stands up and answers, Salem clutching his hand tightly as they both walk over to us. “Never. This is your home now, too, and you’re all welcome to stay here for as long as you want.”

“They’ll come for us,” Alfie tells him, fisting his hands at his side.

“They can try,” Oz says, moving toward Alfie and bending down so he’s eye-to-eye with him. “Nobody is coming into my home and taking my family away from me. Nobody.”

“Will you teach me how to fight?” Alfie asks, and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from crying.

“Yes. Of course, I’ll teach you all how to fight.”

“And we’ll see if we can figure out how to use your gifts to your advantage to keep you safe,” Astrid adds gently.

Alfie looks around and nods as Noah climbs off the sofa and hides behind my legs.

“Are you okay, little man?”

He points at the television. We all look toward it, but it’s Salem that gasps. “Oh my God. That’s him. That’s my Penn Travis.”

I look at Salem and fight back the urge to throw up. “Are you sure?”

“Of course. I’d never forget his face. Why?”

“Because that’s the Boss Man.”

“Holy shit,” someone curses as Ev walks over to me.

“I think it’s time I took a look at that thumb drive.”

I nod absently, knowing somehow that this changes everything. Being hunted and used by the government is one thing, but being hunted and used by one of your own… Well, that makes the betrayal so much worse.