“I’m glad you’re home, Avery,” Zig tells me, and I smile.

“Me too, Zig.” With that, he leaves the room, and everyone else files out behind him.

Astrid gives me a sad smile as she leaves with Slade’s arm around her and Greg bends down to kiss my cheek before he hobbles after them.

Ev stands and tugs me to my feet, and Hawk and Creed move to stand beside me.

“Are you sure you’re all okay with this?”

“Shocked, but more than okay.” Hawk presses a kiss to my temple.

I look at Ev, seeing nothing but love and acceptance on his face.

“I want us all to live together. The four of us, the baby, and Bella.” Nobody says anything. I keep my eye on Ev, who I think is waiting to see how Creed and Hawk react.

“We’ll need to add an extension,” Creed says.

“We’ll get the architect in to draw up plans,” Hawk replies, and my heart tugs when a beautiful smile spreads across Ev’s face.

“There are two properties sitting empty right now that are bigger than what the three of us already have. One was for Oz and Zig, but they opted to stay in the main house, and the other was for Luna when she stays, but I don’t think she’d mind if we took it.”


“Really. It has a huge room that was designed for her and her men, three additional bedrooms, and a couple of extra bathrooms. Otherwise, the layout is mostly the same.”

“I’m game if you guys are.” Creed nods.

“Sounds good to me. Not sure I want to wake up spooning one of you two assholes, though,” Hawk grumbles, making me snort.

“I’ll save you the misery and take on one of the other bedrooms. It can double as my home office.” Ev grins.

Hawk jumps in. “Hey, I was kidding. You’re as much a part of this as me and Creed are.”

“I’m starting to get that, but I’ve gotta draw the line at sharing a bed with you two. Look, I’m cool with it, I promise. I don’t sleep much anyway. Avery can split her time between us however she sees fit. I...” He scrunches up his face, making him look adorable. Not that I’d tell him that. Badasses are offended by the word adorable, apparently.

“I like space,” he finishes, bracing himself.

“If you’re sure. We can always revisit this conversation later if you change your mind.” Hawk slaps him on the back before heading for the door. “I wonder if Salem is gonna make pancakes?”

“You’re sure?” Ev looks between me and Creed.

“Ev, man, I’ll let you into a little secret. There are no rules when it comes to making this work. We messed everything up before, so now we’re just letting things happen. And that means taking care of each other’s needs without forcing shit. If you need your space, then you need your space. You don’t have to justify dick to us.”

Ev blows out a relieved breath as I lean into him. “We’ll make it work. I promise.”

He nods and kisses my nose. “Can I be the one to tell Bella?”

I laugh. “Go for it.”

He walks away. “Hey, does anyone know what a mermaid room looks like?” I hear him ask before he disappears.

Creed’s large hands move to my hips before coming around to rest on my stomach. “Thank you.” He dips his head and kisses the side of my neck, making me shiver.

“For what?”

“For everything. For loving us. For making three dumbasses the happiest dumbasses on the planet.”

I turn and wrap my hands around his neck. “Anytime.”