“Why are you back, Avery?”

“Bella saw something, and I had to come, just in case. She saw two boys with the same face. She told me they were sad because someone had hurt the baby. When I asked her which baby, she said the one in her tummy.”

“She didn’t recognize Salem? You said she’d had a vision about her before.”

“If she did, she didn’t say. And trust me, I asked. She just kept calling her, her.”

“Did you get anything else?”

“Yeah. I asked her if she knew where the baby got hurt, and she told me it was in the pretty house called Apex.”


Yeah, that one word pretty much sums it up completely.

Chapter Four


I knock back my drink before slamming my glass down on the bar and signaling to the bartender for another.

When someone sits on the stool beside mine, I turn and snarl at them before I realize it’s Greg. “What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you.”

When the bartender pours me another whiskey, Greg tells him he’ll take one too. He doesn’t say anything else until the man leaves to serve someone at the far end of the bar. “You want to talk about it?”

“Nope. I want to get drunk and forget this shitty week ever happened.”

“Alright. Cheers.” He clinks his glass against mine before taking a large swig of his drink.

The fucking bastard doesn’t say anything else. He just sits there. He knows if he pushes me, I’d leave. Instead, he waits for me to spill my guts. It makes me want to both thank him and punch him.

“I’m fine, G. It’s gonna take more than the reappearance of my wayward wife to push me over the edge.”

“And yet here we are, in a bar in the middle of the afternoon.”

“It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?” I throw back the rest of my drink before ordering another.

“Creed send you?”

“Haven’t seen Creed all day. I figured you’d both be at the hospital, but Ev said you were both no-shows today.”

I snort. “E’s keeping tabs on us now?” I say, taking a drink.

“No. He’s at the hospital keeping tabs on your wife.”

That brings me up short. “What the fuck?”

“You didn’t think we’d stay away, did ya? Whatever our feelings, that woman saved Creed’s life without a second thought for her own. So it didn’t work out between you all. Boo-fucking-hoo. You don’t have to like her, Hawk, but you damn well better be grateful. Because without her, you’d be burying your best friend.” He finishes his drink before standing and nodding to the bartender.

Swallowing the rest of my whiskey, I pull out my wallet and toss enough cash on the bar to cover my tab and Greg’s drink before I stand and follow him outside.

“Where are you parked?” he calls over his shoulder.

“I caught a lift.”

“Thank God for that,” he mutters, pointing to his car. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride.”