A nurse interrupts us. “Excuse me. A call just came through.” She looks at Zig and smiles. “Salem’s sister called. She said she’s sorry she couldn’t make it, but she’s stuck at the park with the kids and asked if anyone would be willing to go pick her up.”

We all stare at her in shock for a second before Ev is back on the floor with his laptop in his lap. “Thank you. We’ll get right on it.”

“You’re welcome.” She turns and walks back to the nurses’ station at the end of the corridor.

“Talk to me, Ev,” Zig mutters.

“Avery’s phone was on the kitchen table.”


“How many people’s cell numbers do you know by heart?”

I think about it. “Probably just my own. And even that’s questionable.”

“Same,” Hawk admits.

“Oz and Salem’s,” Zig says as Oz walks up.


“How many cell phone numbers do you know?”

“From my cell? All of them.” We all look at him in disbelief, but he just shrugs. “I lose my phone a lot.”

“Avery won’t know anyone’s number without her phone,” Ev states as he types. “But it’s easy enough to find the number for the hospital and leave a message for one of the new parents in the maternity ward. Here, the tracker’s showing she’s in this area. But with so many fucking trees, it was hard to pinpoint her exact location. But there is only one playground close by. I’m sending the coordinates to your phones. Go get our woman and bring her home.”

* * *

We are on the plane and in the air within thirty minutes. I’m just praying we make it in time.

“Wilder and Crew are on their way back. It might be overkill, but I’d rather be safe than sorry,” Oz says as he takes the seat in front of us.

I nod. “Smart.”

Hawk looks at Oz. “Not used to seeing you on this side of the cockpit.”

“Zig jumped right back into flying after we crashed, but I’ll admit, I don’t enjoy it like I used to. We came too fucking close to dying for me to just shake it off.”

“Reassuring coming from the copilot,” Hawk jokes, making me laugh.

“Beggars can’t be choosers.”

My cell chimes, so I pull it out and see a message from Ev. “Greg’s out of surgery. The bullet didn’t hit anything vital. Doctor said if anyone was to ever get shot, it was one of the best places to get hit.”

“Then why was he out of it for so long?” Hawk questions.

I text Ev to ask and wait for his response. Within seconds, my phone chimes. “He hit his head when he fell. The loss of blood was the biggest concern. Docs say he should make a full recovery, though.”

“Thank fuck,” Oz groans.

“James was a cop. He’d know exactly where he needed to shoot to kill, but he didn’t. Why?”

Oz shakes his head. “I don’t know, Creed. I wish I did.”

Another chime on my cell with a message that has a link to a news station. “Hold on. Ev just sent me something else.” I click the link and wait for it to open before turning the volume up for the others to hear.

Reports are saying it was a gas leak that caused the explosion, but the chief of police has yet to issue a statement. So far, nine people have been confirmed dead in what locals are calling a tragic accident.