She gives a small nod. “The original chip was invented back in World War I. They wanted obedient soldiers who followed their commands without question. But most didn’t survive the implantation, let alone the host of issues that came along with having a foreign body wedged into their brain.”

“Jesus,” I hiss.

“When gifted people were discovered and they were given handlers, the chips were adapted.”


“The original handlers became attached to their charges. They started questioning their orders, and that couldn’t happen. When the chip was reintroduced, it limited a lot of that because it could alter certain signals in the brain that dealt with emotions such as love and empathy. The problem with any technology, though, is that there are always going to be glitches.”

“Is that what happened with Frank?”


“He was my handler. My Penn Travis.”

“I don’t know, but if something was wrong with your handler, then yeah, it’s possible his chip was malfunctioning. Of course, it could also be that the man was unstable to begin with. What did he do?”

“He killed my parents.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. It was a long time ago. Just tell me what this has to do with James and my current situation.”

“I don’t know what James’s orders were other than to bring you back here. But you need to know this wasn’t his fault. He fought them, Avery. He fought them so damn hard,” Emma chokes out.

I feel more tears fall.

“In the moments when he was lucid, he talked to me. He made me promise to come up with a backup plan if the worst happened.” She blows out a breath.

“Can you remove the chip?”

She shakes her head, swiping at her own tears now. “I’m not a doctor. I know everyone assumes that, but I’m not. All I see is the damage. I have no idea how to fix it. That’s why there is usually a team around me.”

“And now?” I ask because, looking around, we seem to be alone.

“They are prepping the OR.”

“For what?”

“For you, Avery.”

“I don’t understand.”

“We don’t have much time. They’re planning on impregnating you.”

“They’re going to rape me?” I shriek before she covers my mouth with her hands.

“They want to use the eggs they harvested from you when you were nineteen.”

“I didn’t have my eggs harvested. I—”

“Had your wisdom teeth removed. They told you you had a reaction to the anesthetic—”

“Because I ached all over the next day,” I sob, feeling violated.

“I know this is a lot, but you need to listen to me. They can’t do the procedure, Avery, because you’re already pregnant. And once they find out, they’ll make you abort it.”

“What? Why, if they want to get me pregnant, anyway?” I manage to get out as my brain tries to absorb the fact that I’m pregnant.