“What the fuck, guys?” Zig snaps as Ev grabs a hold of him.

“Why did it take you so long to leave the house?”

“We came as soon as we heard.” Zig shoves him off.

“What’s going on?” Oz frowns, stepping closer.

“Why didn’t you leave when James told you Salem was in labor?”

“What are you talking about? We haven’t seen James since this morning.”

Ev turns to look at me, and that’s when everything in me turns to ice.

“He was up when Salem went into labor. I bet if I check, he contacted Astrid’s law firm or made the call himself about needing to sign contracts. He talked Oz and Zig into going to Cooper’s, where they’d be out of signal, and he made it so that he was the one out of the house, guaranteeing we’d call him to go to Oz and Zig.”

“James is the spy. Why though? Salem’s here and safe.” Jagger looks between us.

“Because Salem isn’t the target anymore, Avery is.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


The first thing I feel when I wake up is the blinding pain in my head. The second is the vomit rushing up the back of my throat. I roll over just in time to throw up. The pain in my head is so bad that I almost pass out again.

“Easy, Avery, try to breathe through it,” a soft voice says as I feel my hair being pulled away from my face.

I crack my eyes open and see a familiar face staring back at me. “Emma.”

“You know who I am? Most people call me Kara.”

“I know you were rescued by my husbands, who were then tricked by a man named Cooper. He was the one who brought you here.”

Her hands stop moving as I breathe through the pain and manage to focus on her frowning face. “Hawk and Creed are your husbands? Both of them?” she whispers.


“They were nice to me. Not like the other one. He was cold.”

“They didn’t know who he was or what you could do. They really thought they were just rescuing you. I was the one who helped them figure it out. Why am I here, Emma?”

“What do you remember?”

“Umm. We were in the safe room talking, waiting on news, when—” I gasp and sit up abruptly, causing the whole room to spin, and I find myself flat on my back again.

“Dammit, I told you to take it easy.” She smooths my hair back again as I fight the urge to throw up once more. She leans over me, checking my eyes as she talks in a hushed tone. “There are cameras. They can’t hear you, but they can see you.”

“I don’t understand,” I whisper, a tear sliding down the side of my face as an image of Greg on the floor flashes in my mind.

“You were brought here by a man named James. I’m sorry, I don’t know his last name. Do you remember him?”

“He shot Greg,” I cry, which only intensifies the headache.

“Shh, calm down and listen to me. This is important. James did not turn on you on purpose. He was snatched when he flew out to surprise his grandchildren a few weeks ago.”

She bites her lip, her face pale, as she leans closer. “They put something in him—some type of chip. It’s way beyond my comprehension. But from what I’ve been able to piece together, it works in a couple of ways. The first is that he can be tracked. The second, when the chip is activated remotely, it leaves the individual vulnerable to… suggestions.”

“You’re talking about a control switch.”