
“Zig? Thank fuck. We thought something had happened to you. You guys okay?”

“Yeah, we’re fine. We’re on our way.”

“Alright, but you’ve gotta hurry. I’m not sure how much longer she’s gonna be able to hang in there.”

“We’re coming, I promise. Tell Salem we love her.”

I blow out a relieved breath and nod. “How long?”

“We’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

“All right, I’ll tell her.” I hang up and make my way into the room. “They’re thirty minutes out.”

Salem bursts into tears. Creed wraps his arms around her as Ev looks at me and frowns. “What was the problem?”

“I don’t know, but I spoke to Zig myself, and he says they’re fine.”

“Maybe you should beat their asses, making us worry,” he grumbles. I can’t help but laugh, relieved that they’re okay and on their way.

We all focus our attention on Salem, keeping her calm and breathing with her. Twenty-five minutes later, the door slams open, and Oz and Zig rush in. As soon as Salem sees them, she starts crying.

We move out of the way as Zig and Oz hurry over and take our places. I grab the door and wait for Ev and Creed to walk out before turning back. Salem is wrapped up in the arms of her men, each looking at her like they are holding their entire world. I can only hope to be half as lucky as they are one day.

With thoughts of little girls who look like Avery on my mind, I follow Ev and Creed into the waiting room. Astrid rushes over to me as soon as she sees me. “How is she?”

“She’s doing good. Better now that Oz and Zig are here.”

“I’m supposed to be in there with her, but I don’t know if she’ll still want me now that I’m late,” she babbles.

I hold her arms and look into her eyes. “Go. She’ll be happy to see you, I promise. You know which room she’s in?”

“Yeah.” She looks back at Jagger, who gives her an encouraging nod before she heads off toward Salem’s room. I watch her until she knocks on the door and disappears inside.

I walk over to the chair next to Slade’s and collapse into it with a grunt.

“Busy morning?” Slade drawls.

I flip him off. “I’m getting too old for this shit. Everything go okay with the lawyer?”

“Yeah, it was actually a fuck-up on their end. Astrid is selling her house in Malibu. We got a phone call last night saying a section of the papers she’d signed were missing, so we needed to fly out as soon as possible to re-sign because the buyers wanted to move in ASAP. We get there, only to find the papers were there all along, and the secretary that called us mixed Astrid up with someone else,” he grunts.

“So, it all went through okay?”

“Yeah.” He smiles. “No turning back now. We’ll have to go to pack up the things she wants to keep this weekend, but I don’t think there’s much she wants.”

“Too many memories?”

“Not enough. As much as that place was a sanctuary for her, it was also her prison. She spent a lot of lonely years there, hiding from the world.

“I guess I understand that. So, did Oz and Zig tell you why they were still there? Did they find something?”

“They didn’t say much of anything once we told them that Salem was in labor. All they cared about was getting here.”

“They cut it fucking close, that’s for damn sure,” Ev grumbles, making Creed laugh.

“I’m sure Salem will make them pay for it later.”