He takes out his cell and starts typing. I’ve never been so glad that we all agreed to have tracking devices on our cars. I watch him frown and step closer.

“This doesn’t make sense.”

“What is it?”

“It says the truck is still at Cooper’s. They haven’t left yet.”

“What the fuck? I knew something felt off. Something must have happened. No way they’d miss this.”

“Fuck!” he curses, looking back at the door just as my cell phone rings.

I answer it without looking to see who it is. “Zig?”

“No. And why isn’t anyone answering their fucking phones?” Slade snaps. “Did we miss it? Has she had the baby yet?”

“No, but Slade, we got a huge fucking problem. Oz and Zig went to Cooper’s this morning. They have no service there. James was out, so we called him to go let them know. When we spoke to him just over an hour ago, he said they were on their way. But E just low-jacked their truck, and they haven’t left the house.”

“Fuck. Alright, we’re flying back now. There is a field next to the house. I’ll see if I can change the flight plan and head that way. Let me call you back.”

Ev grabs my arm. “Tell him to text me the details, and I’ll get it sorted for him.”

“You hear that, Slade?”

“Yeah, I got it. I texted him the details. Man, it’s so handy having a hacker on our side,” he mumbles as he hangs up.

“Alright, I’m going to let you do your thing. What the fuck am I going to tell Salem?”

“Nothing. Not until we know what’s happening. She has enough going on without worrying about her men too.”

“Right, so go in there with my game face on and lie to the woman.”

“It’s not lying to pretend everything is fine when it might actually be fine.”

“God, I hope you’re right, E.”

I leave him to work his magic and head back into Salem’s room. “How’s she doing?” I ask Creed quietly as Salem sips water from a paper cup.

“Midwife just came in and checked her out. She said she is progressing well and is now seven centimeters dilated. I don’t know what that means, and I really didn’t want to ask,” he grumbles.

“You don’t want to.” I move up to Salem, take her water from her, and place it on the table.


“Not yet. But Astrid, Slade, and Jagger are on their way. I spoke to them as they were preparing to take off.”

“Oh, good. Because at this rate, they’ll be here before Oz and Zig,” she snaps before apologizing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Shhh, it’s all good, Salem. Why don’t you have the epidural? I hate seeing you in so much pain.”

“I can’t. I’ll recover from it too quickly. And if I have to have an emergency C-section, they’ll think they’re good to go, but I’d end up feeling them cutting me open.”

I stare at her, horrified. “Are you serious?”

She glares at me. “Does this look like my joking face?” A scream rips from her before she can say anything else as she grips my arm and digs her nails into the skin. I look at Creed, who is staring down at her in concern.

After that, her contractions start coming faster and more frequently, one right on top of the other. I don’t know how she’s doing it. I’m exhausted just watching her.

After another hour and another visit from the nurse, my cell starts ringing. “I’ve gotta take this.” I head out into the corridor before anyone can stop me and answer as I close the door behind me. “Tell me.”