“Speak for yourself.” I shove him and head inside, where Salem is now in a hospital gown. She’s lying on the bed, looking at us hopefully.

“Any sign of them?”

“No, but I was just saying traffic is horrible right now,” Creed tells her.

“He’s right. Plus, I heard there was a big accident this morning, so they’ve closed a few roads down,” the nurse says as she writes something in Salem’s chart.

“Typical.” I sigh, moving to stand next to Salem and offer her my hand.

“You’re four centimeters dilated right now. Are you sure you don’t want an epidural? I’m asking now because later on it might be too late.”

“No, I’m okay, thanks.”

“Alright. Well, I’ll be back to check on you in an hour or so, but if you need anything, just use your call button beside you.”

Salem nods and takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly when another contraction hits. I let her squeeze the fuck out of my hand while I stand here feeling absolutely useless.

“You’re doing great, Salem,” Ev tells her, stroking her hair.

“I just want them to hurry up and get here already. All these damn plans, and everything feels like it’s falling apart.”

“I’ll go call them and tell them to hurry up, or I’ll kick their asses,” I offer as she turns to look at me.

“You’ll really beat them up for me?”

“In a heartbeat, Salem.”

“I love you,” she whispers, her lip wobbling, making me panic a little.

Creed laughs, nudging me aside. “Go. I’ll hold her hand.”

We swap places, and I step out into the corridor and call Zig. When it goes to voicemail, I call Oz. It rings and rings, but he doesn’t pick up. With a curse, I call James.

I sigh with relief when he answers. “James? Did you make it to Cooper’s yet?”

“Ah, yeah. I’m heading back to Apex now. They said they were going straight to the hospital. Is everything okay?”

I blow out a relieved breath. “No, it’s fine. We were just worried.”

“Well, traffic is a bitch. It took me forever to get there, and I can’t see them getting to you anytime soon, either.”

“Alright, man, no worries. Thanks for the update.”

“Sure. Bye, Hawk.”

I hang up with a frown before walking back into the room. “I got a hold of James. He said they’re on their way and confirmed that traffic is a bitch, so it might take a while.”

“So, I just need to cross my legs, right? No problem,” Salem chokes out.

Lord, I hope she can. If Oz and Zig miss this, I suspect we’ll be attending their funeral next week.

When an hour passes and they still haven’t arrived, and worse, we still can’t reach them, I pull E outside into the corridor with me.

“We knew they’d be a while,” he tells me.

“I know, but something feels off. Even with the traffic, they’d be close enough to get a hold of. Can you track where their truck is? Maybe they left their phones at Cooper’s.”

“Yeah, hold on.”