“Yeah, but then we’ll head down to the safe room.”

I look up at him and frown. I know I suggested it to the guys, but I didn’t think it was really necessary.

He holds up his hands. “I’m not saying I think anything is going to happen, but if we have eyes on us, right now is the most vulnerable you’ve been since you got here.”

“And if they wanted to grab me, now would be the best time to do it.”

“I’m not trying to freak you out.”

“No, I know. Being cautious is good. Here.” I hand him a mug of coffee, grab one of my own, and take his hand.

“Honestly, it won’t be as bad as you think. We can watch movies or play games until they come back.”

“Mario Kart?”

He looks at me and laughs as he leads me downstairs to a set of metal doors. He pushes them open, revealing the safe room behind another door that’s ajar.

“Wouldn’t it be safer to have these rooms locked up tight?” I ask as Greg lets go of my hand and passes me his coffee. He pulls his gun and places his finger over his lips.

I stand tense as he checks out the room before motioning for me to come inside. I wait for him to close and lock the door before blowing out a relieved breath.

“Locking a safe room makes it harder for you to get into it. With someone hot on your heels, you won’t have a spare second to type in the code and wait for the locks to disengage.”

“True. Good point.” I hand him back his mug and look around the room. There is a small kitchenette in the corner and a door to the side that’s open, and I can see a toilet inside. There are a few shelves that hold some books, board games, and a first aid kit. To the left is a comfortable-looking sofa and a television mounted on the opposite wall, with a bookcase beside it holding row upon row of DVDs.

“Okay, wow. This is not what I was expecting,” I say, walking over to the bookcase.

“I can’t even remember the last time I watched a movie on DVD.” I laugh. Everything is streamed these days.

“No internet.”

I open my mouth to ask why but shut it again, realizing it doesn’t matter. I scan the choice of movies and smile. “I’m guessing the guys stocked the shelves.”

He looks at the DVDs and laughs. “Whatever gave you that idea?” Most of the movies are action movies, with a few thrillers thrown in.

“Not that the girls aren’t into action movies, but could you imagine if we gave them free rein? We could end up locked down here for hours with only chick flicks.” He looks horrified at the thought, and I burst out laughing.

I take a seat on the sofa and tuck my feet up under me, which are cold now without socks, underneath me. “I’m sorry you’re missing out.”

“On the birth? Don’t be. I would have only been sitting in the waiting room worrying anyway. The plan was that Astrid, Zig, and Oz were supposed to be in the delivery room with Salem. And the rest of the guys would be stationed outside the room as an extra layer of security. I don’t know if you’re aware, but because of Salem’s abilities, she heals faster than the average person. Not enough that anyone should notice while she gives birth. But if she has to have an emergency C-section or something and is kept in for a few days, things will get dicey.”

“Oh shit, I didn’t think about that.”

“We have it covered as well as we can. We’ve arranged to have her transferred to another hospital, where Evander can hack her file if needed. We thought about a home birth. But the baby is measuring big, which isn’t a surprise given the size of Oz and Zig. But if she needs help, the thirty minutes it would take us to get from here to the hospital could make all the difference.”

“No wonder she’s so scared. She has all that to worry about on top of giving birth, which is terrifying in itself. I’m surprised Zig and Oz didn’t buy a helicopter, just in case.” I laugh at the thought, and Greg just looks at me like no one ever suggested it.

He groans, sitting down beside me. “Never tell Zig and Oz that.” I nod and mime zipping my lips, but I can’t help the chuckle that escapes at the look on his face.

“Do we need to call their sister?”

“Nah, we’ll wait until we have something to tell them. Luna would jump on the first flight out, but I know Zig and Oz would rather wait until they have Salem home safely before she has visitors.”

He takes a sip of his coffee. “Can I ask you a question?”


“Was he remorseful? Cooper, I mean.”