“He treats you well?”


“Make you cry?” I shake my head. “He hurt you?” He steps closer, remorse all over his face as he points out that all his faults are E’s virtues.


“Then I say he’s perfect for you, sweetheart. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.”

“Truth,” I whisper, feeling a tear slide down my cheek.

Hawk sits down on the sofa with me in his lap as Creed sits beside us.

“I’m sorry it took us so long to pull our heads out of our asses,” he tells me, wiping the tear from my face.

“I’m not. I used to think what we had was perfect, but there were so many secrets between us. We were always destined to fail. You guys lied to me, but I lied to you too.” I blow out a breath. “If you didn’t break me and force me to rebuild myself brick by brick, I wouldn’t have been strong enough to face everything that came after. I would still feel like that lost girl and not your equal. But mostly, if you didn’t screw up, I wouldn’t have Evander. And as fucked up as it sounds, he’s the greatest gift you guys have ever given me.”

“You’re right, that is fucked up,” Hawk says, making me elbow him. He laughs, “I’m joking. I know what we did damaged us. We react first and think about the consequences later. The three of us together are a fire that burns bright but, more often than not, out of control. Evander is pure ice, the opposite of us, and exactly what we need. More than that, he’ll never let our shit fall on you. We might be your warriors, willing to do battle for you, but he’s your shield from not just the world but us too.”

Creed and I both stare at him.

“What is with you?”


“You’ve been like fucking Buddha lately,” Creed says, making me giggle.

“Asshole,” Hawk mutters under his breath before changing the subject. “Okay, on to more important things. Tell me how your date went. The sneaky bastard wouldn’t give us any details. We want to see if he upstages our romantic picnic.”


Creed punches Hawk in the arm. “Way to ruin the surprise.”

Hawk frowns. “Shit. Ignore that part.”

I smile and shake my head. “I don’t want to forget. A picnic sounds amazing. I’m starving.”

“Ha, score one for the OGs. We can teach E a thing or two about dating,” Hawk gloats.

“So, where did he take you?” Creed asks as he stands up, tugging me to my feet.

“Oh, on a hot air balloon ride.” Both of them fall silent.

“That over-achieving bastard,” Hawk complains, making me bust out laughing again.

“That’s it, clothes off,” Creed orders.

“Wait, what?”

Hawk stands up so that I’m sandwiched between the two of them. “It’s in the rules. You can’t have a naked picnic without being naked,” Hawk says, like I’m being silly.

“There are rules for a naked picnic?”

“Oh, yeah. Important ones.” Creed nods before whipping his T-shirt off over his head in that way that only guys can do. I stand and watch as his hands drop to his pants before looking behind me at Hawk, who is also stripping.

“You’re not naked, Avery. Do you need help?” Creed asks.
