“But they can still feel the distance between you. I know you’re scared, but if you’re truly willing to give them a chance, you have to let your guard down a little. You can be sitting right next to them and still be a million miles away.”

“I don’t mean to. I’m—”

“Trying to protect yourself. But after being inside you, I know exactly what those guys are missing. And don’t tell me you don’t miss them too. I know you do. You light up like a firework every time I touch you. I can only imagine how combustible the three of you are together.”

I lift up onto my toes and press another kiss on his lips. “I’m so grateful you came into my life.”

“Not half as much as I am, Avery. Now go before I forget I’m a good guy and toss you over my shoulder.”

“I mean, I’m not against the idea, as long as there are no rustic cabins involved.”

He laughs but pulls away. “You’re killing me. Go spend time with your husbands. I’m a phone call away if you need me.”

“Will I see you later?”

“That all depends on how the rest of your date goes. But don’t worry, I won’t be able to stay away for long.” He winks and backs away, that stupid, sexy dimple of his making certain parts of my body flutter. I watch as he turns and heads back over to the main house, just as I hear the door open behind me.

“Think we should hose her down? She looks like she’s in heat,” I hear Creed joke.

“I thought it was shock. I was going to offer her mouth-to-mouth because I’m selfless like that.”

“Yeah, you’re a real fucking gentleman, Hawk.” I laugh as I turn to face them.

Their eyes move over my body, making me squirm. I know I have their blessing to be with E, but I still can’t help feeling a little guilty.

Creed sighs. “Still one of my favorite sights to see.”

“What is?”

“A freshly fucked Avery.”

I jolt at his words. Hawk walks over to me and scoops me up, like he’s worried I’ll run away. “It’s all good, Avery. We’re not mad. Jealous as fuck, but not mad.”


“You tell me. Let your guard down and tell me if I’m lying.”

I nod my head and open myself up to them. “Tell me again.”

“I’m not mad that you fucked E. I’m just jealous as fuck.”


“I love you. I want this to work out between us all. Not just you, me, and Creed, but E too.”

“Truth,” I whisper.

He dips his head closer, his lips grazing mine. “I really, really want to fuck you now, but I’d wait forever if you asked me to.”

“Truth.” I look over at Creed as Hawk carries me inside. “What about you? Do you feel the same?”

“About fucking you? Oh, yeah.”

I scowl at him, but I can feel myself flush with need. “About E.”

“Does he make you happy?”

“Yeah, Creed, he does.”