“I’m not afraid of flying. I don’t like being trapped in small spaces with no control. It’s like being claustrophobic, but it only affects me on planes. I know it doesn’t make sense. Most phobias don’t.”

“So, you’re okay with this?”

“Yes!” A huge smile spreads across her face, and she claps her hands in delight, making me laugh as she scrambles out of the truck like I might change my mind.

I jump out and hurry around to her. “Woman, you’re supposed to wait for me,” I scold her.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so excited. Wait, am I dressed okay?”

“You’ll be fine. You can always wear my jacket if you get cold.”


I take her hand and lead her over to the balloon, laughing as she chats away nonstop about how she wanted to be a hot air balloon pilot when she was a kid.

“Hey, guys.” I look over at Mark, our pilot for the day, and offer him my hand.

“Hey, good to see you again. This is my girl, Avery.”

“Nice to meet you, Avery. Are you excited?”

“You have no idea. I’m so excited I could puke.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time. But if you could aim out the basket, I’d appreciate it.” He laughs, making Avery blush. “Are you both ready?”

I look at Avery, who nods.

“Good, then let’s get this show on the road while the wind and weather are in a good mood.”

I grab Avery’s hips and lift her into the basket before climbing in beside her. We stand quietly, listening to Mark talk us through what he’s doing.

As soon as the balloon is off the ground, Avery wraps her arms around me and presses her head against my chest. “Thank you, E. This is amazing.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

I’ll admit, once the balloon is around three thousand feet in the air, I start to miss having solid ground beneath my feet. But I’d never let Avery know, not with the look of wonder on her face as she takes everything in.

As Avery holds on to the edge of the basket, I look over at Mark, who smirks at me as he pulls the headphones from around his neck and holds them up. “Noise-canceling.” He chuckles before he slips them on and moves to the other side of the basket. He faces away from us.

Stepping up behind Avery, I bend down and press a kiss to her neck, making her shiver before I slide my hands through the slits of her skirt and stroke my thumbs over the smooth skin of her thighs. When she leans back into me, I slowly inch the skirt up her legs.

Her hands cover mine to stop me, but I nip her ear with my teeth instead. “Hands on the basket, Avery.”

“E, we can’t.”

“Hands on the basket,” I repeat, my voice leaving no room for arguments.

With a shaky breath, she does as I ask, her hands gripping the basket, this time a little harder than before.

“Good girl,” I murmur as I slide her skirt up over her ass.

She whispers my name, but she doesn’t fight me. I slide my hands to her hips and realize she was telling the truth about not wearing panties.

Slipping one hand between her legs, I stroke her clit, and she widens her stance. “No panties, huh? Seems like you were hoping to get fucked tonight.”

I slip a finger inside her, and she tips her head back with a soft moan. “You going to let me, Avery? You know, once I fuck you, there’s no going back, right?”

“I don’t want to go back,” she tells me softly before I slip another finger inside her.