"Come, you need a bath," I told Vandor, tugging at his hand.
He laughed. "As much as I can't wait to be spoiled by you, czira, I need to report to our khazar first, let him know I found our wayward wagon train."
We found Gryck, Kendryx, and my father in the great hall, where we greeted each other while Vandor filled them in on what happened to us.
It seemed like hours before we were finally alone in my chamber. "The bathroom is right over there," I explained to Vandor, opening the door and showing him our shower. One of my father's greatest accomplishments was running water in his city, which had only been added ten years ago and made our lives much easier. It was even heated thanks to gas heaters.
"I missed you." Vandor pulled me against him after I turned the water on. "Will you join me in the shower?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
Laughing, I slapped his hard chest. "You, my warlord, are filthy. I wouldn't be surprised if the water turned black the moment you stepped into it."
"Is that a nyck then?" he wanted to know, managing to look devastated and challenging at the same time.
"I will get some food ordered. Call me when the water doesn't run black any longer, and I might consider joining you." I winked at him and freed myself from his embrace before he could pull me under the shower's spray.
His laughter followed me as I stepped into my old room. Funny, I thought. I hadn't left that long ago, and I already considered it myoldroom, even though I hadn't even seen my new one yet. It didn't matter though because now my home was wherever Vandor was.
"I've ordered the warlord's trunks brought up here, but nobody knows where yours are, Lady Damaris," Pria said as she entered with a tray filled with light snacks, bread, cheese, and some cut meats.
"Mine were unfortunately lost. But I still should have some clothes here." I hoped. I had taken most of my clothing with me when we left, thinking I would wed whatever warlord my father and Gryck agreed upon and leave for my new home from there.
"Of course, Lady Damaris, but most are…" she trailed off.
I knew. Most were either clothes I had worn doing the various chores my father had Adrian and I do, or clothes that needed mending.
A male servant entered, bringing in the only bag of clothing Vandor had taken with him. All his trunks were with the wagon train, which was still hours out. I rummaged through it, but as I expected, most of his clothes were dirty.
"Have these washed and find some clean clothing for the warlord," I instructed Pria and Carol, who had followed, carrying a tray of drinks.
"Damaris?" Vandor called from the bathroom, and I shooed everybody out before I hurried to Vandor.
"The water is running clean," he said, dripping wet and pulling me under the spray of the shower. "Now let me show you how much I missed you."
IlikedSteppenfort.Itwas a charming city built like an oasis in the middle of the steppe.
Damaris introduced me to the horse she had been telling me about and it was love at first sight. Well, at least on my part. Mordakay didn't seem too impressed with me, but after I took him out for our first ride, I seemed to grow on him.
"I knew you two would be perfect for one another," Damaris beamed.
"Just like you and me," I said before kissing her.
We stayed at Steppenfort for two days before Fionbyr arrived with a large entourage in tow for peace talks with Gryck.
"I don't understand why we don't just arrest the bastard," Myrca remarked as we both sat on our horses watching Gryck and Fionbyr a few paces away talking to one another.
"Because he came under the banner of parley," I explained, even though I knew Myrca already knew that, and his question had only been posed to vent his irritation.
"If anybody asks me, the bastard gave up the rights to anything when he attacked King Helmut's army and slaughtered them all," Kendryx remarked, and I couldn't have agreed more. That was also when his males took Damaris hostage, and for that alone, I wanted to run the bastard through.
"A khazar has to obey the sacred rules, even when others break them," I pushed out between clenched teeth, having had the same discussion with Gryck last night, repeating his words. "Otherwise, we would end up in anarchy."
"Still doesn't make it right," Kendryx grumbled. "I mean he is right there."
My fingers itched to take my sword and challenge Fionbyr to a one-on-one duel, but Gryck had asked me last night to stand back. I didn't understand why, and he didn't explain, but I respected my khazar enough to do as he requested, even though honor demanded me to avenge the wrong done to my mate.
"The time will come," Kendryx said, placing his palm on my shoulder in a show of support.
"And when it does, not even the gods will have mercy on him," I spat out.