Page 81 of Playing for Keeps

“Is she okay?”

“She got a phone call about a family emergency and had to dash back to Surrey. Her car wasn’t charged so she borrowed mine …”

“And left you this pretty little thing?” Kevin said, moving closer to the car, casting an appreciative eye over it.


“There’s a chance we overpay the staff,” he said, then cracked into a broad smile when he caught Hugh’s eye. “Not really. And I have to say I’ve been pleasantly surprised by Allie.”

“In what way?” Hugh asked.

“I was led to believe she was some spoiled rich kid who’d never worked a day in her life, but she’s great at her job.”

Hugh made a vague noise of acknowledgement. Allie didn’t come across as shallow and entitled. He’d got the impression that she’d worked at her dad’s golf club, so presumably she hadn’t had the sort of upbringing where she’d just been given things without having to work for them.

With a tip of his chin, Kevin took a few steps backwards. “I’d better see if I can find someone to cover Allie’s shift. I’ll message her later and see how she’s getting on.”

Hugh watched him go. Something about Kevin annoyed him. He couldn’t figure out if the guy was a little smarmy or if it was Hugh being possessive of Allie and not liking the thought of other guys messaging her. He told himself it was the former since he didn’t consider himself the jealous type.

Kevin hadn’t been gone long when Leo’s car turned into the car park. Pulling into the next parking spot, both Damian and Leo hopped out, ignoring Hugh as they circled the Porsche.

“Why has Allie borrowed your car?” Damian asked, peering in the back window.

“Her dad’s in the hospital and her car wasn’t charged enough to get her all the way to Surrey.”

Leo turned slowly to Hugh, a glint in his eyes that made Hugh immediately nervous. “How much charge does it have, exactly?”

“How far will it get us?” Damian asked, rubbing his hands together gleefully.

“We’re not going anywhere in it,” Hugh said.

“Don’t be a spoilsport,” Leo complained. “How many opportunities are we going to get to drive a Porsche?”

Hugh arched an eyebrow. “Certainly none today.”

“Ah, come on,” Damian said. “Just a quick spin.” He drummed his fingers on the top of the car. “By quick, I don’t mean fast. Just, not very far. Let us have a go.”

“You can’t drive Allie’s car.” Hugh shook his head, amused that they seriously thought it was a possibility.

“Why not?” Leo asked. “You said she lent it to you. Surely she expects you to drive it, not just look at it.”

“I don’t think she expects anything. She was stressed and panicking and concerned about leaving me without a car. But I’m fine without a car for a few days.”

“Or you could drive a Porsche for a few days,” Leo pointed out.

Glancing at the car, Hugh felt his friends’ enthusiasm rubbing off on him. It would be fun to take it for a drive. And Allie had said he could use it.

“Come on,” Damian coaxed, apparently sensing him considering it.

“I’m just going to drive it to the charging station,” Hugh said, pressing the fob to unlock the car. Leo and Damian groaned as they got into the car. Slipping into the driver’s seat, Hugh spent a moment adjusting the seat, then pulled the seatbelt around him. He glanced at Leo in the rearview mirror. “I suppose we could take the long way to the charging station … Like go via Salcombe or something.”

“Yes!” Leo gave his shoulder a squeeze while Damian slapped his arm affectionately. Their excitement was palpable as they peered at the control panels across the dashboard, trying to decide what everything did. The three of them fell silent as Hugh finally manoeuvred out of the parking spot and then out of the car park.

“I take it things went well with your date on Friday?” Leo finally said as they crawled down the driveway.

Hugh had messaged them on Saturday, but he’d been coy in response to their questions. Now, he gave them a proper account of his weekend with Allie, grinning as he recalled it. They fired questions at him while he got used to the car. Being so low to the ground was disconcerting, but he had to admit it felt great to drive a Porsche.

Nearing Salcombe, he switched the conversation from himself to ask how Damian and Leo were doing.