“I’m not holding my breath.”
Pressing her lips together, Allie stifled a grin. “That’s probably also a good idea.” She raised a hand to wave as she backed away. “Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.”
“You too,” they said in unison.
* * *
“She’s pretty,” Emmy said.
“Hmm.” Hugh dragged his gaze from Allie as she crossed the road and wandered towards the beach. “What?” he asked, catching Emmy’s smirk.
“I said, do you think she’s pretty?”
“Allie?” He looked through the window again, but she’d disappeared from view. “I guess so. I didn’t really notice.”
That was a lie. Pretty wasn’t the word he’d choose, though. Mesmerising was more like it. In the golf club he hadn’t noticed it – maybe it was the staff uniform or maybe he’d been focused on Rebecca. Anyway, today he’d noticed her in an entirely different way. Her glossy brown hair hung down to her shoulders and her lips and eyes seemed constantly on the verge of laughter.
“I think she’s pretty,” Emmy stated. “She seemed nice, too. Very normal.”
Emmy’s eyebrow twitched as she stared at him.
“What?” he asked.
“You should ask her out.”
“Yes. Of course, Allie.”
“I don’t think so.” He shifted in his seat.
“You already said you don’t think Rebecca is going to get in touch. Wouldn’t it be better to ask Allie out than go back to the dating app?”
“I think the best thing would be to not date anyone.” Admittedly, the thought of going on a date with Allie was actually quite appealing. He couldn’t imagine for a second she’d agree to go out with him, though.
“Dad!” Emmy complained.
“What? I went on a date. Now you have to leave me alone.”
“I think you should go on another date. It’s like Leo and Damian said: the first date was just a warm-up.”
“And I think we should ignore dating advice from Damian and Leo.”
“They both have girlfriends,” Emmy said with a shrug. “Don’t you want a girlfriend?”
“I’m perfectly content as I am. Thank you.”
“You always say that, but Mum says—”
“Your mum thinks I’m pathetic, I realise that.”
“She just thinks it would be good for you to date again.”
“It’s none of Nancy’s business,” he muttered.
Over the years, he’d maintained a pretty good relationship with his ex-wife. Though that could probably change if she continued to make unhelpful comments about his personal life.