Page 100 of Frozen Flames

He is a ruthless businessman and apparently a scoundrel when it comes to dating women, often several at a time. “It’s business, Ash. That’s all.” I try reassuring him, knowing perfectly well that he’s not known for being a nice guy in his personal life. He made me a cheeky offer following a brief conversation I had with him about how I wanted to stop working so hard. That was over a month ago at a business owner’s lunch and I had forgotten all about it. But he’s piqued my curiosity.

I don’t know if I believe the rumors about him in his personal life. My brand name is immaculate and the last thing I would ever want is having his name tied with my business if they are true. I must ask Janice before our dinner tonight, as she seems to know everything about everyone in the city.

“I’ll be there. I don’t have a suit at the apartment, so I’ll have to go to the house first.” I take a mental note he didn’t call the house home again. Neither do I. “I’ll pick you up from the apartment.”

“Like a date?”

“With Mr. Seducer as a third wheel, not likely,” he mutters dryly.

“Then afterward?”

“Afterward what?”

“Then afterward, we could, maybe, you know? Play?” My voice is breathy and low as I make a brave suggestion.

“As in…” He trails off, but he knows what I mean.

“I’ll let you think of something, Ash.” I give him control of the reins. We haven’t role played for years and if we want to make this work, then it’s time to put the heat back into the smoldering embers. We need that flicker of adventure to get that fire burning ferociously between us again.

“It’s not too soon?”

“I want you, Ash.” I let him know I’m ready. I can’t wait another day. I thought it was too early, but it’s not. We need this.

“Let me show you how grateful I am tonight. I’m proud of you for making the first big change in our lives.” I need to make changes and step up too. “This is a huge move, Ash, but you’ve shown me how much you want to make us work. I thought we’d lost each other, and I was mad at you for canceling lunch.” He had perfectly reasonable reasons.

I should stop jumping to conclusions from now on.

He’s trying.

Taking time off from his job is a big deal for Ash, showing me he is going above and beyond for us. He’s making sacrifices to prioritize our marriage.

He hasn’t suggested we have sex either, proving to me he’s genuinely invested in us reconciling; choosing to spend time with me watching television shows over using sex to fix us.

While sex was always incredible, it’s not the only thing that’s broken. We need to work on everything together; communication, workload, including what we do in the bedroom.

I love how available he made himself this evening, wanting to take me out to dinner. He’s invested in us.

“I may have an idea or two,” he finally responds to my role play request, the timber in his voice deep and rich.

“Our reservation is at eight.”

“For three people?”

“I’ll call the restaurant and change the booking.”

“I’ll see you soon. Be ready, Tiger.” He’s referring to post dinner activities, not my actual pickup time.

“Can’t wait.” Nerves swirl low in my belly.

“Love you.”

“Love you more.”

“That’s impossible.”

