Page 97 of Frozen Flames


Following lunch at my desk, alone, yet again, I've been stuck in meetings all afternoon. While it was considerate of Ash to have the lunch he missed delivered to my office, it would have been better if he had been the side order that came with it instead of a salad.

Last night was wonderful. We spent all evening on the sofa bingeing Game of Thrones, while eating most of the snacks Ash bought. Waking up in each other's arms was a complete surprise this morning. I enjoyed his warmth, our familiarity, the closeness of us. It felt like before.

He either has the resistance of one of those unbreakable rubber exercise bands I’ve seen Gemma use when she’s strengthening her thigh muscles, or he’s taking things slow. Mending us mentally and emotionally before bringing us together intimately.

A lazy and yet heavy make out session was more than enough to put a spring back in my step this morning. We kissed each other breathless, which was such a huge turn on. No words needed, a mutual understanding between us that comes from so many years together. When he didn’t take anything further, and neither did I, it confirmed we still have so much love and respect for one another.

I know he cherishes me, making sure I ate before work this morning, dropping me off at the main entrance of the office, and seeing me out of his truck. He carefully held onto me, ensuring I didn’t fall in the slippery snow. He’s invested in us, and I know he wants to make it work.

But that goddamn coaching job gets in the way of everything.

While the hockey team may consider themselves to be like one big happy family, that hockey family comes before everything. Even your marriage, apparently.

I breathe out my disappointment, wishing he could have been here for lunch, as I stomp out of the conference room and through the office.

Head down, staring at my phone, I check to see if I have any messages from Ash.


Lifting my head, I slow my pace and gasp in shock at what I can see through the glass walls of my office.

It’s filled with dozens and dozens of orange tiger lilies, making it look as if the space is on fire.

I spin around and look at Janice from across the open plan space, then point back to my office. “Are those?”

“From Ash.” She smiles, looking starry eyed.

I snap my head back to look at the flame-colored flowers and slowly step through the threshold. An earthy, sweet, and spicy fragrance overwhelms my nostrils.

“Wow.” I gaze around the room.

“There are fifteen bouquets. A dozen in each.” Janice says through the doorway.

“Fifteen?” Astonished, my voice cracks.

She nods her head.

“Tiger lilies aren’t even in season. He must have had these flown in for you or he knows some important people to find them.”

I gasp, rubbing the bright orange petals dotted in crimson spots between my fingers. “No way.”

“There’s a card.” Janice points to the bouquet sitting on my desk. “You are one lucky lady.” She closes the door with a huge smile shaping her lips.

I feel giddy as I lift the card out from between the trumpet shaped flowers.

Emotion bubbles in my throat when I read the words he’s penned.

Fifteen years of marriage = fifteen years of loving you.

Although I have loved you for much longer.

And I will love you for a lifetime.

Don’t give up on us, Tiger.

Forever yours, Ash xoxo