Resting her head on my arm along the back of the chair, she smiles. “Thank you for doing that. I'm very grateful. Although, I’ve been unable to eat much until today.”
We’re lovesick. “Same.”
I’d forgotten how much I loved sitting down, having a home cooked meal with Lily, and chatting about our day. Our routines have been shot to smithereens, choosing to stay at work and skip meals.
Unable to detach myself from my job, I’ve become addicted to it.
I blurred the lines, taking work home with me and letting it take over my life; I don’t like who I have become.
All that is about to change.
It has to.
“So, what are we watching?” I ask.
“Game of Thrones,” she replies, with a glint of humor in her eyes. “Eight seasons.”
“Wow.” I feign annoyance when secretly, I’m buzzing happily inside that I get to spend all that time with my beautiful wife.
“Seventy-three episodes. Do you have the stamina for that?”
“Oh, you know I have stamina. I think I proved that last time I kept you up all night.” I’m ashamed of myself, knowing that was the last time we had sex, and it was weeks ago.
She examines her nails and screws her face up. “Meh, that was ages ago. You’ve aged since then.”
Enjoying our verbal gymnastics, I downturn my mouth. “Ouch. Harsh.” But it’s true.
I pick the television remote off the sofa cushion. “Well then, we had better get started. Does she have sex with the dragons?”
“Oh my God, Ash.” She throws her hands in the air and we both burst out laughing.
Yeah, this feels nice.
Everything’s going to be okay.
“So, what happened next?” Brayden asks as we skate onto the ice to start today’s practice and make our way to the middle of the rink.
“We fell asleep on the sofa watching Game of Thrones and woke up this morning wrapped up together.” Best morning ever. “She got ready for work and I drove her to the office. Then I came straight here to grab a shower.” I didn’t rush here today like I usually do. I refuse to do that again. I’ve become the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland; anxious, letting the pressure from management dictate my life.
“And she was cool about you coming for lunch again today?” he asks enthusiastically.
Slowly skating, I check the whiteboard I’m holding and skim the training notes I’ve written on there. “Yeah.” The deli below Lily’s office is preparing lunch for me today, which I will grab on the way.
“Great, but remember, you can’t force yourself on her; she needs to want this too.”
“I think she does.” She told me she was excited about having lunch with me, which I’m taking as a positive sign.
“What time is your meeting with management?” Brayden cuts in front of me, skating backward.
“Have you memorized what you need to say?”