Waiting to greet me in the underground parking lot are my dad and his lovely new wife, Diana. Just as Candy parks up, Kourtney jumps out of her car to wait for me with them.
Candy lays her hand on my knee and gives it a squeeze. “You need people.”
“I didn’t want anyone to know.” However, I feel relieved they are here. I need them more than I thought I did.
“Stop pushing people away, Lily. You can’t do this on your own.”
Candy opens her driver’s door and wiggles herself and her cute baby bump out of her high jeep.
My dad is already by my door, opening it and helping me out. No words needed, he wraps me up in his love with one of his comforting hugs, making me cry again.
“I’m sorry,” I weep.
“You don’t need to be sorry for anything, Lils. I’m here now. Let it all go, sweetheart.” He pats my back. “C’mon, let’s get you inside.”
Keeping his arm wrapped around my shoulder, he tucks me into his side as he walks us in the direction of the elevator to take us up to our old apartment.
Bree rolls my suitcases inside behind us, kisses me on the cheek, then exits the elevator.
“Are you not joining us?” Sniffing, I wipe my cheeks with the palm of my hand.
Candy waves at me affectionately. “Your dad, Diana, and Kourtney will look after you. We’ll catch up tomorrow, yeah?”
“Okay.” I’m too tired to argue with them.
“Thanks, Candy. Bree.” My father gives them a curt nod as they wave goodbye and the doors close.
I’m settled into the apartment, a cup of chamomile tea in hand, which I think Diana must have brought with her because there is not a scrap of food in this place. Diana is such a caring and kind woman and perfect for my dad in every way. She filled an empty space that was missing from his heart and his life. I couldn’t be happier for him. With no children of her own, she spoils both Gemma and me at Christmas and birthdays, and she ensures Dad keeps in touch with us regularly, even when they are away on yet another cruise. He’ll be upset with me for not telling him I've been struggling.
Kourtney rests her head on my shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me how you were feeling, Lily? I feel bad for how much I talked your ear off last week when we were out for dinner and did nothing but moan about the problems I have with the new coffeehouse opening. I feel like a terrible friend. How did I not see this?”
Kourtney and I still meet every week for dinner, or lunch, whenever we can squeeze each other in with our busy work schedules. However, my marital issues are not something I like to talk about. With anyone. Especially while out in public.
“It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“You are not fine. This…” She motions to the apartment. “Is not fine. You and Ash are couple goals. What the hell happened?”
Diana and my dad sit down on the two armchairs on either side of us just as my phone rings loudly, cutting through the melancholy atmosphere around me.
I almost leap on top of it, hoping that it’s Ash returning my calls, but it’s not; it’s Gemma.
Picking up her video call, her sympathetic sun-kissed face fills my screen, and my eyes instantly fill again with emotion. I can’t stop crying.
Her mouth downturned, she leans in as if trying to hug me through the camera. “Hey Lils, I’m just off the phone with Candy and Bree.”
Which means she knows I moved out.
Her voice soft and gentle, she asks, “How are you?”
I shake my head. “Not great.” I suck my lips into my mouth. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Lils. I’m thinking of coming home sooner than planned.”
My heart fills with hope. “I would love that.”
“You know we love you, right? And Ash.”