Page 57 of Frozen Flames

The commentator’s voice blares over the speakers. “Attention please, can I ask if everyone could simmer down for a few minutes? We have an important announcement.”

Unsure what the hell is happening, I patiently wait to see what unfolds.

The arena falls quiet, but I can hear gasps. Unsure what they are all seeing that I can’t, I look left and right, but I find nothing.

The arena is now so quiet you can almost hear a pin drop. It’s hard to imagine the fans can contain themselves. Their excitement always makes the arena feel like it’s alive, like it has its own set of lungs and heartbeat.

The commentator then says, “Ash Johansson, it’s over to you.”


I spin around to look up at him, but he’s not there. He’s lower, much lower. He’s down on bended knee, holding an open ring box with a diamond engagement ring sitting inside of it.

“Are you—” Oh, my God, he is. My pulse zooms around my body at breakneck speed.

With an air of calm and self-confidence around him, he’s not nervous at all because he already knows my answer.

“Will you be my forever?” Grinning up at me, he looks pleased with himself.

Like always, we love teasing one another and I playfully reply, “Oh, go on then.” I nod my head then say a loud, “Yes.”

The sound of cheering begins immediately, almost deafening us, filling the arena with higher levels of excitement than I’ve ever heard before.

He slips the ring on my finger, and I can’t contain my gasp because I don’t think I have ever seen such a beautiful cluster of diamonds; the center solitaire hugged tight by a halo of smaller ones.

“It looks like a flower.”

“For my Lily.” He leaps up, kisses me, then lifts me into the air. The noise and excitement rippling, the entire stadium vibrating with energy.

Spinning us around, I squeal, wrapping my legs around him, and grab his beard, that’s so long now it’s ridiculously scratchy. I look forward to him shaving it all off tonight after the game. It hides his gorgeous face and I miss it.

Kissing me breathless, I mumble against his lips lined with bristles. “I’ll be your forever.”

“And I’ll be yours.”

Organizing client weddings brings me so much joy, but planning my own will be incredible. “We have a wedding to plan,” I say excitedly.

“I hear there’s a new firecracker wedding planner in town. Tiger Lily Events or something.”

“I may have heard of her.”

“She’s the best.”

“I heard she works hard.” I've spent too many late nights at my dining table and Ash’s kitchen island working into the wee small hours; three more clients and I can finally hand in my resignation at High Octane.

“I hear she has a nice ass.” He lowers his voice, not that anyone will hear our conversation over the roars from the fans.

“I hear her boyfriend is super-hot.”


We smile goofily at each other.

“Right, put her down.” Candy shouts over the rowdy cheers that are still going, and he carefully lowers me down onto the red carpet.

Bree grabs my hand to get a look at my ring. “It’s beautiful,” she gasps. “I’m so happy for you, Lily.”

“I should have worn a dress.” I roll my eyes, understanding what she meant now.