Page 55 of Frozen Flames

He drops his head to my shoulder in embarrassment and muffles, “I think Edna has a thing for me.”

My fingers lightly dance across the skin of his muscular back.

I think all the girls have a thing for him. “I know how much you like older women.”

He lifts his head, his eyes popping out of their sockets. “It was one woman, and she was only five years older than me. Edna is sixty.”

“About the right age for you, then.” I find perverted pleasure joking around with him.

“I am twenty-two. That’s not right,” he protests, growing louder.

His reaction amuses me, and I know how much he enjoys our sparring as much as I do.

Looking down between us, he then says, “And my cock is still inside of you and you’re talking about me with other women.”

“You’ll just have to punish me for my bad behavior.”

“Be careful what you wish for, Ms. Murphy.” A loud slap sounds across the room as he spanks my backside, making me moan with pleasure. He’s learned that it’s my weakness. “Shower. Now.” I love it when he’s bossy.

Sliding out of me slowly, he looks down between us again where we were joined and I recoil.

“Sore?” he asks.

“A little.” He’ll know if I lie and say otherwise. He knows me so well.

“You’ll be tender tomorrow. I’ll look after you.”

I stare at him with longing. I know he will.

He sits back on his haunches, tilts his head to the side, and stares at my pussy, then at the faint pinkish blood painted on his cock; the proof of my virginity.

On stretched out arms, he moves back up my body, bracketing his with mine, his face full of determination and dominance. “Mine,” he declares.

“Yours.” I brush my thumb over his rough, thick beard. “Although I might not want to wait until tomorrow to do what we just did again.”

He narrows his eyes. “Really?”

“It felt good.”

Disbelieving, he sways his head side to side. “My little Tiger Lily wants to have more willy.”

“You did not just say that?” Seeing the amusement in his eyes, I can’t help but laugh.

His mouth twitches with humor before he points to his chest and raises his eyebrows. “Hey, you’re the one that just said you wanted more dick.”

“So, what are you going to do about that, big guy?” My bold words test him.

Momentarily tongue-tied, he startles me when he picks me up as if I weigh nothing, throws me over his shoulder, spanks my bare ass, and tells me all the things he’s going to do to me as he walks us to the shower before making me dirty again.

Over and over.


Lily – Four Months Later

“It’s tradition. You have to do it,” Candy drawls, checking her manicure as if bored with the entire concept.

“Is it though?” I look around the arena that’s buzzing with excitement, the fans staring down at the line of hockey wives and girlfriends, or WAGS, as the tabloids label us.