Page 26 of Frozen Flames

I think about how big a deal this is and know the press will hound us, and heaven knows what the puck bunnies will say and think about me. However, knowing how much I like him already, I am willing to give us a shot.

“I don’t care. I really like you, Ash, and all I ask is that we agree to do everything on our terms. Not the hockey press team you probably have or the tabloids. We decide.”

Satisfaction etches his face, as he says, “You are some kind of wonderful, Tiger. Are you sure you’re ready to face the fans and the speculation?”

“I am,” I reply.

He adds, “All I know is that for the first time I don’t care about the press knowing if I have a girlfriend and that we are together. I want to spend more time with you. Whatever that looks like, however, whenever. Let them talk.”

A warm glow of happiness flows through me as he talks about us as if we’re official and already dating.

I look over his shoulder at the romantic set up in the middle of the ice again. “Is that champagne?” I’m excited and want to see what he’s organized over there for our sweet evening date on the ice.

He nods his head shyly.

“Are you sure you don’t date? This is super swoony of you, Mr. Johansson.”

He avoids eye contact with me. “I asked my mom for some advice,” he confesses. “I told you I don’t date. I am way out of my depth here with you.”

Now that is cute. “You did great.”

“I did?” He looks bashful when he bites his bottom lip nervously.


“It’s time to get your scarf back then, Tiger. She’s missing you.”

I laugh and reach down to weave our fingers together. “Okay. Show me how this skating thing is done.”

I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?



“I’m sorry I face planted your crotch.” Slapping her hand against the tabletop, Lily bursts into another fit of giggles. Which, I’ve realized once she starts, she can’t stop and anything visual with comedic value sets her off time and time again.

“How are the knees feeling?” I ask with genuine concern. She went down with an almighty thud.

As we moved across the ice, she was just beginning to get the hang of her balance when she twitched, leaned too far forward, and as I spun to catch her, I was too late. Her knees clattered against the ice and she head butted my cock, which was slightly alarming, but instead of crying like I thought she might, she rolled onto her back in the middle of the ice, spread herself out like a starfish, and broke out into hysterical laughter.

In every possible way, she’s a surprise.

And nice.

Fun to be around.

And she talks enough for the pair of us.

Wiping the tears of laughter from under her eyes, Lily examines her knees. “They’re fine.” She gives her skin a gentle rub. “A bit bruised though.” She waves off my concern.

“They will hurt tomorrow. Ice on them tonight to reduce the swelling.”

Lifting her glass of champagne to her lips, she takes a sip of the golden liquid then says, “More champagne will help.”

“Alcohol to numb the pain.”

“Exactly.” Her lips curve upward against the rim of her glass.