Running my hands up her jean covered thighs, up under her jacket, I move them to her tiny waist over her thin work shirt and I’m shocked at how good she feels beneath my hands.
She’s perfect.
Wriggling in my lap, she brushes against my hard cock, pulling a low rumble of pleasure from my chest. “Lily,” I rasp between our desperate mouth-fucking.
Her hands drift down to my chest then back up to my neck, as if exploring my body as well, and I welcome her warm, soft touch; I want her hands on me always.
I pull her hips closer to line her pussy up with my aching cock that’s already leaking with precum and rock her back and forth.
Both panting with need, our excited pleasure is swallowed down by the other.
Grabbing her hair, I tilt her head back and kiss down the apple scented skin of her neck, then lick and suck the spot behind her ear that I know she will love.
She continues to rub her hips against mine, chasing her release and driving me toward mine, but I don’t want to do this here. Even though I’m parked under a tree, in the dark, and every window is tinted, apart from the windscreen, this is not the type of guy I am. And I sure as hell now know, after her whirlwind of verbal gymnastics, that Lily isn’t that type of girl either.
“We should stop.” My whisper is affectionate, and I hate myself for putting a halt to how good this feels.
“I don’t want to.” Her hungry words fill the cab of my truck.
I pull out of our kiss, regretting breaking contact, so I kiss her softly again. “You’ll hate me if we don’t,” I mumble against her lips as I fill my hands with her ass, rubbing her against me again, harder this time. “You feel so fucking good, baby.” I find it difficult to stop.
“Ash.” She sighs with need, and I love how good my name sounds out of her pretty little mouth, and as I picture her screaming it as I fill her with my cock, more precum drips from my slit.
I can’t.
She’s a virgin and I have no right to stake my claim. We’ve only just met.
Only something carnal within me wants it to be me.
Needs it to be.
The thought of another man touching her makes me want to hit something, and that is most unlike me.
The need to protect this unicorn of a woman who entered my life like a flurry of glitter in a snow globe consumes me; she’s got me trapped in a whirlwind, and I’m more than happy for her to carry me off in it.
She tastes like happiness and rainbows. I want to keep on kissing her, overcome with the need to imprint myself on her so she doesn’t think of anyone but me. Be the one she dreams about, wants to spend her time with, and be the first one she thinks about in the morning. I want all of her firsts.
Stopping her from rocking her hips, she lets out a frustrated groan before I kiss her one last time and let my head fall back against the headrest as I take a moment to look at her. Those deep dimples and big brown eyes of hers will be my downfall and I just know I’m going to fall so hard, so deep, and there is not a single fucking thing I can do about it. “You’re so beautiful.”
With only the low street lighting from outside shining through the windows, even the moonlight can’t hide her cheeks filling with color.
I reach up and run my pointer finger down the length of her nose, into the dip of her philtrum, and then trace the outline of her full top lip that’s now pink and swollen from our kissing.
I think I should set the record straight on some of her assumptions about me. “I don’t date or sleep with puck bunnies. Never have.” Leaning in, our eyes level. “I dated a few girls in high school. Nobody special though. And I have only ever slept with one woman. She was older than me.” I pause to let that information settle. Expecting her to respond, she doesn’t. “I met her when I was drafted to the NHL. I was eighteen. She was a fitness instructor, and we hooked up for about two years.” Like all aspects of my life, our relationship was kept private. She taught me how to please a woman, how to give pleasure, and how to receive it. I can’t deny it was the best sex education an uncontrollably horny teenage boy could ask for, but I don’t mention any of this to Lily. “I haven’t slept with anyone else since then.” I made dating sacrifices to protect my reputation. It’s been two years with no sex.
We broke up before my dad died. Which is probably just as well as my responsibilities changed. I’ve been working and making sure Mom and Erika, my sister, are well cared for.
Plus, I don’t trust easily. Some of the guys on the team have had their fair share of kiss-and-tell stories in the tabloids; none of which are pleasant or puts them in a good light.
And yet, somehow, I get the sense that Lily feels different, and I can trust her.
Hell, she had no idea who I was until tonight.
I open up some more. “Before my dad died, I used to laugh. A lot. But if it makes you feel better, I’ve laughed and smiled more with you than I have in a very long time. You make everything feel better.” I don’t know what the fuck is happening between us.
Her fingers slowly stroke my chest over my tee shirt, as if she’s soothing me.