Page 6 of Lincoln


At me.

She is different from last night.

“Are you going to an audition? Are you an actor?” My eyes flit up and down her body. She’s not tall enough to be a model. I reckon she’s only about five foot six at most.

“Something like that.” She grins at me cheekily.

She’s a fucking tease, and that smile is doing things to my cock that are deemed inappropriate for a group environment.

A loud clap startles me from our staring contest as Rio addresses the room. “Great, everyone is here. Thank you all for arriving on time. Before we start, I want to say a few words. Be open to possibility. Be prepared for significant change, but remember it’s all for the greater good. Without further ado, I would like to pass you over to Violet West, our new investor. Wait until you see what she has planned. Prepare for your mind to be blown.” He splays his fingers out in the air. “Please give Violet a warm welcome.” He claps and everyone joins in.

I look around to see who he is referring to.

Beside me, Lucy runs her dainty fingers down the soft lilac fabric across her thighs, then rises to her feet. Holy shit, it can’t be…

She turns to me and pushes her hand out for me to shake. “Hi, Lincoln. Pleased to meet you. I’m the ball-breaker.”










I would pay a lot of money to see that look on Lincoln’s face again.


I smirk back at him.

His mouth stuck open, I let go of his muscular hand and turn on my thin-as-a-pin heels and take quick steps to the front of the drab staff office. I know for a fact he’s staring at my ass, so I give it an extra wiggle.

He can kiss it.

Working out three times a week has finally paid off. There’s plenty to kiss after all, or so my sister keeps telling me.

What a dick Lincoln was for assuming I was the cleaner last night. I thought it was easier to go along with his assumption. Especially after he called me a ball-breaker.

I am very good at my job and get results, but it doesn’t make me a boss bitch from hell.

Yesterday, I tried to sneak in to my new project undetected. I never realized how quiet, scratch that, dead, the gym was in the evenings. Rio hinted nighttime attendance was low, but deserted would’ve been a better description.

As soon as I entered the gym, I dropped my water bottle all over the floor. I ran to the cleaning closet, and that’s when a member of the nighttime staff, who I now know is called Lincoln, found me with a mop in my hand.

I suppose I can’t really be mad he thought I was Lucy, the new cleaner. I didn’t deny it.