Page 55 of Lincoln

At the bottom of the stairs and with force, I turn the air conditioning down a couple notches and let out a humph sound.

He left?


After what we did last night. In my bed. For hours.

I knew it was too good to be true. He was using me for sex to get what he wants. Pretending to be all, oooh, I’m on a sex hiatus; you’re different; oh, you’re so hot… What a load of baloney that was.

Waking up to an empty bed was not what I expected of him this morning.

I thought he was better than that.

I’m madder at myself for believing he was different, a good man with a good heart.

I lean my shoulder against the wall and bite my thumbnail.

My eyes naturally close themselves and my head leans against the wall for support. I’m so tired. I was happy to wake up exhausted this morning. After a phenomenal night of Lincoln fucking me in every position possible, I woke up feeling satisfied, and eager for more. But it’s as if a pin pricked and burst my happy balloon when I discovered Lincoln was gone, along with his clothes and phone too.

Just gone. No note. Nothing. It’s as if we never happened.

Was I dreaming? After all it was late, so maybe I imagined our erotic encounter.

However, I know it wasn't a figment of my imagination because my bed smells like him. I woke to the fresh smell of limes, lemons, and oranges. It was so strong; it’s actually what woke me up.

His scent is the only thing he left behind of him. Asshole.

I may have to sit on the edge of my bed later and just sniff the air to remind me of him.

How utterly pathetic of me.

“Are you sleeping standing up?” Lincoln’s humored voice suddenly booms across the hallway.

My eyes shoot open.

I was too consumed in my own thoughts that I didn't hear my front door open.

My shoulders drop with relief.

He’s here.

Forgive me, please rewind all the shitty things I was just thinking about him.

Lincoln is standing inside my opened front door, in last night’s clothes with Pom-pom by his side. Silhouetted by the sun behind them, the two of them stand and stare at me.

“You took Pom-pom for a walk?” I’m so shocked. Shocked he’s here, shocked I didn’t notice my dog wasn’t here. I’m a bad dog-mom. Also shocked he took my dog he hardly knows for a walk and shocked Pom-pom went with him.

“Yeah, he was whining to get out, so I took him for a walk. Turns out teacup dogs need little walking. Within fifty steps he was shattered. I had to carry him most of the time.” He looks down at Pom-pom. “I’m definitely taking him out later. He’s a proper chick magnet.” Lincoln’s megawatt smile lights up his entire face.

He bends down to unclip Pom-pom’s black leather lead from his collar and gives him a good rub behind his ear. Pom-pom tries to jump up onto his bent knee, but he’s too short to reach. They are so cute together.

Pom-pom attracts a lot of attention. Visions of Lincoln walking my tiny white fluffy pup make me snort out loud.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head and push myself off the wall.

Pom-pom scuttles over to me. I scoop him up and give him lots of cuddles. Even Pom-pom smells of Lincoln’s aftershave, too. I need to ask him what that is. It’s oddly addictive.