Page 17 of Lincoln

“Are you telling me you’ve never been in love and you’re best friends with your sister?”

“Nope.” She shakes her head again.

“You’ve never been in love and you love stationery?”

“Got there in the end.”

I have to ask. “Are your sister and you not close, then?”

“Not even a little. We barely speak.”

“Why not?” My brows pull together.

“Because she tells me I don’t fit into her perfect wifey material stereotype. And I work. I mean, what is the world coming to? Women working, making a living for themselves. Pft.” She rolls her eyes, making me laugh. “And then, of course, there is how I look. Look at me.” She makes a sweeping motion with her hands down her body.

“I can’t stop looking at you.”

Her eyes bug out. “You’re a great liar but I’ve got you pegged already. I bet busty blondes are your type, right? Your turn.”

“Not yet.” I flash the palm of my hand to stop us from moving forward. “You don’t believe me?”

“For Christ’s sake, why are we doing this?” Disapproval gleams in her eyes.

“Andrew said complete honesty. I’ll be dead straight with you.”


“Yes, I like blondes. But until yesterday they were my type.”

“What changed yesterday?” She audibly gulps.

“A beautiful busty brunette with the peachiest of asses fell at my feet and made me question my entire existence.”

She’s speechless.

“It’s still your turn. I would never divulge any information about you to anyone.” I cross my heart with my pointer finger. “Tell me about the relationship with your sister.”

She takes a minute to consider and she’s still looking at me like she didn’t believe what I just said. “Okay, well, she likes to keep reminding me I work too much. I talk too much. I need to settle down. I’ll never get a man if I keep working all the time and don’t look after myself. She brings up the fact I am not married yet every time I see her. I have dark hair, unlike her. She would like me to be a carbon copy of her. That way I would have the perfect swimsuit body. Violet, you should do this.” Her voice goes all high-pitched and squeaky as she imitates her sister. “Oh, Violet, you need to loosen up. Violet, why don’t you go to the gym every day? Oh Violet, you’ll need a bigger dress size than that, you’re so curvy. Although…” She raises her pointer finger in the air. “That’s the only thing she is right about; I am curvier than most and—”

Violet is rambling now. I interrupt her mid-sentence. “You have curves in all the right places and you have a beautiful body.”

That shuts her up. She stares at me again.

I reaffirm, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever set my eyes on.” She is.

“You’re only saying that because I’m your new boss and you want to stay on my good side.” Absentmindedly, she chews her lip.

She’s wrong. “Throughout my entire twenty-nine years on this planet, I have never set eyes on anyone as gorgeous as you. I mean that. No BS.” I slice my hand through the air.

“It’s not always about appearance.”

“I’m fully aware of that, and it’s what makes you even more attractive. You’re smart, talented, driven, caring. I could go on.”

She scratches her neck with her perfectly French-manicured nails. I’ve made her nervous and she’s not great at receiving compliments. “Did you find all of that out last night too? When you were on your little research trail?”

“I did, yeah.”

“Right.” Violet bites her bottom lip. “What else did you discover?”