Page 154 of Lincoln

“I love you Violet, your mom should have called you Susan, West.”

Never in a million years did I think traveling to America would lead me to this phenomenal woman in front of me.

She’s my life buoy. She calms me and makes me a better person. She makes everything better.

I’m addicted to her and her lips, her hips, and this life we are building together.

I smile and kiss her, knowing that she’s the best leap of faith I’ve ever taken.



Lincoln - three years later

“Oh, thank goodness I found you.” Violet wheezes, out of breath.

My black patent dress shoes squeak against the marble floor as I swivel around.

“You shouldn’t be here. It’s bad luck; you have to go.” I point back at the open door.

She casually waves her hand in the air, “Hocus pocus. I needed to see you.” She rests her hands on her hips and tilts her head back to catch her breath. “I should work out more. I’m so out of shape.”

She’s not. She works out three times a week like clockwork, and the more squats she does, the better in my opinion. Her ass is looking mighty peachy these days, even more than usual.

“If my yaya catches you within a twenty-foot radius, she won't share any more of her recipes with you.” And we need them. I need that famous moussaka recipe of hers; she makes the best but she’s yet to share it with Violet.

Every Saturday morning Violet visits my grandparents’ house where my yaya teaches her how to make traditional Greek desserts and dishes. I live for Saturdays; dinner times are the best.

In contrast to the rest of the week, Sundays are our nonnegotiable day off together. We completely switch off and it’s a relaxing day where we don’t do anything other than eat, rest, and walk the beach with Pom-pom who has become a bit of a star in Castleview Cove, and of course my favorite, playtime in the bedroom.

Ella encouraged Violet to set up a social media account for him and he now has over a million followers on that stupid video platform that everyone is nuts about. He’s a star in his own right and I’m certain he knows how special he is.

“Okay, I’m good.” She fans her face with her hand. “I needed to let you know something because I am freaking out.”


“There is no easy way to say this.” She clears her throat. “My mom is here. With. My. Sister.” She looks worried when she bares her teeth.

She came? “Wow.”

“Right. Wow. I think I’m going to be sick.” She grabs her neck with her own hand. “She’s going to complain about everything.”

“She won’t.” She might.

“She will moan about the weather.” Yep, she probably will.

“We can’t control that.” I chuckle.

“She will blame me for it raining today.” I know she is genuinely worried, but her freaking out is the cutest thing I’ve seen. I’m trying to be serious and console her while holding back my own laughter.

“Our whole day is inside. It doesn’t matter. And it’s February so it’s colder now.”

“She will hate the venue; she suffers from vertigo.” She suffers from being a royal pain in the arse; that’s what she suffers from.

“I’m sorry our thirty-million-pound suspended over the cliffs venue isn’t good enough for her,” I reply with a hint of sarcasm, throwing my hands on my hips, tantrum-style, as if I’m so offended she won’t like our venue.

I couldn’t give a shit if her mom doesn’t like the venue. However, there is no chance of that because it’s been featured in every architectural, structural, and engineering magazine. We didn’t just build a venue. We built a magnificent piece of art, and today is its maiden voyage.