Page 153 of Lincoln

“But I have never done your job before.” I start panicking.

“I’m not disappearing off the face of the planet, Linc. I will be around, just not every day. I’m going to be a stay-at-home dad.” He grins like a Cheshire cat. “While you two”—he wiggles his pointer finger back and forth between us—“run this place. We have six months to train you, Linc, and you have the same time to train Violet, and you will both attend every board meeting from now on.”

“You’re going to be a brother again, Linc.” Violet lays her hand on my thigh.

“I’m going to be the main director,” I whisper. I can’t believe my father is giving me the control to run this vast enterprise we own.

“With Violet.” He sits back in a black leather chair and drums his fingers against the armrest.

“I’m so excited,” Violet cheerfully coos.

And I’m in fucking shock. Violet detects how I am feeling; she always knows.

She grabs my chin and forces me to look at her. “We’ve got this.”

The sight of her face calms me. I lay my hand over hers.

“I will sail this giant ship with you, Linc. I won’t let it sink.”

My heart batters in my chest. “I love you, Violet.”

“Will you marry me, Linc?” My eyes bug out at her unexpected words.

“Oh, Jesus Christ, I shouldn’t be here,” my dad mutters.

“Stay, Knox.” Violet smiles, her eyes never leaving mine. “You brought us back together.” Her smile grows wider. “Will you?”

My heart just took a step into the unknown. “Yes.” It’s a solid yes. “But only on one condition.”

“What’s that?” She looks concerned.

“You’ll let me buy the ring.” Her shoulders sigh with relief.

“We’re getting married?” She goes all girly.

“Yes, we are, Petal.”

“I have a condition too.”

I frown.

“Can Pom-pom be the ring bearer?”

“He can be anything you want him to be. Just promise me you won’t ever fire me again?”

“When did she fire you?” my dad chuckles.

“When I lived in Santa Monica.” I hold her gaze. She’s put me under her spell with her golden eyes.

“He worked for me for all of one day.”

“Then she fired me.”

“You were working when you were supposed to be having time off to travel and explore?” my dad says, aghast. “You are unbelievable. I give up.”

If I hadn’t, I never would have met Violet.

“I love you, Lincoln, your dad has a crap surname and I’m going to sound like a color palette when we get married, Black.”