Where is he going?
My father’s voice mumbles something to Viva, er, Olivia.
When I eventually turn around, Viva has gone. The beautiful woman I thought was actually quite nice for my dad has disappeared.
If I ever set eyes on that woman again, I will bitch-slap her after all the things, or lack of things she said to my man.
The reassurance he was seeking didn’t come.
The mother he wanted does not exist. Emotionally or physically.
“I need to speak to her.” My dad almost runs off, but I pull his elbow to stop him.
“Leave her for tonight. Speak to her tomorrow if you must. But she needs time to process what’s happened tonight, Dad.”
He pushes his hands into the pockets of his black dress trousers.
Knox pipes up, “She won’t need time. Olivia doesn’t function that way. She will have already moved on tomorrow.” Knox lays his hand on my dad’s shoulder. “Anthony, I am so sorry you witnessed our family drama.”
“Please don’t apologize. I’m glad I did, actually. Violet filled me in quickly. Did Viva really leave you when you were eighteen years old and Lincoln was only a baby?” He’s as puzzled about the whole situation as I am.
“Now I know why she doesn’t have permanent custody of her two boys.” He looks off into the distance. “Her ex-husband does.”
“She shouldn’t have had more children. Poor kids.” With hands on his hips, Knox tilts his head forward and shakes it in disbelief.
“You’ve only known her for a few weeks, Dad,” I confirm. “You don’t really know her.”
“Well, you know her now,” Knox’s voice hardens.
“She doesn’t appear to have a Scottish accent anymore, either,” my dad mumbles as if he’s speaking to himself.
“It would appear that way.” Knox pushes his fingertips into his temples. “My poor boy and that fucking woman. I wish I had never met her and what an absolute bitch. I am fucking livid.” He shakes his head. “I’m sorry I keep swearing.” He looks at my father.
“I think under the circumstances, it’s totally acceptable,” my dad replies.
Determined to make the best of the night and to lighten the mood, Eva cups Knox’s face with such tenderness. “It’s been an immense shock for us all. I think we all need a drink.”
“Let’s do that. But not in there.” My father points back at the restaurant.
Knox moans. “I was so rude to the staff.”
Eva pulls him in for a reassuring hug. “You weren’t. C’mon. There is a bar I spotted just down the hill.”
I want to speak to Lincoln. “Then can we call Lincoln? I am worried about him.”
“Me too.” His dad’s voice sounds strained.
Once we hit the bar, we try calling Lincoln for the next hour.
But he doesn't pick up.
His father tries to reassure me thathe just needs more time.
But what he needs is me and us.
He needs to know we are here for him.